My mod call script wont work, Get no errors.
game.ReplicatedStorage.ModCallEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, …)
local vip = game.PrivateServerOwnerId
local api = require(script.Parent.API)
local placeid = game.PlaceId
local args = {…};
if args[1] == “Report” then
if vip == 0 then
if game.Players:FindFirstChild(args[2]) == nil then
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Action Failed”, “Reported player can’t be found, incorrect username or they disconnected. Make sure your typing the full username”)
if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(args[2]) == nil then
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Report Sent!”, “Succesfully sent the report on “…args[2]…”!”)
local case = math.random(1,9999)
for _,c in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local card = script.reports:Clone()
card.Settings.Reporte.Value = args[2]
card.Settings.Reporter.Value = player.Name
card.Settings.Description.Value = args[3]
card.Settings.ReportID.Value = case
card.Parent = c.PlayerGui.Reports.reports.ScrollingFrame
--[[local card2 = script.reports:Clone()
card2.Settings.Reporte.Value = args[2]
card2.Settings.Reporter.Value = player.Name
card2.Settings.Description.Value = args[3]
card2.Settings.ReportID.Value = case
card2.Parent = game.StarterGui.Reports.reports.ScrollingFrame]]
local webhook =“removed so its not abused by devforum viewers”)
local feedbackEmbed =
:setAuthor(“New Report”, “”)
:setTitle(“Case - “…case)
:setDescription(“Reporter: “…player.Name…”\nReporte: “…args[2]…”\nReason: “…args[3]…”\n **Sent from: **”…placeid…”!”)
:setFooter(“Scripted by drxploxs#0001”)
webhook:send(feedbackEmbed, { username = “AREA 11 REPORTS”, avatar_url = “” })
warn(“VIP Servers can NOT Send mod call reports”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Action Failed”, “Reports can’t be sent in VIP Servers, Please contact the Adminisration for that VIP Server or contact the VIP Server Owner”)