Mod Call Wont Work

My mod call script wont work, Get no errors.

game.ReplicatedStorage.ModCallEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, …)
local vip = game.PrivateServerOwnerId
local api = require(script.Parent.API)
local placeid = game.PlaceId
local args = {…};
if args[1] == “Report” then
if vip == 0 then
if game.Players:FindFirstChild(args[2]) == nil then
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Action Failed”, “Reported player can’t be found, incorrect username or they disconnected. Make sure your typing the full username”)
if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(args[2]) == nil then
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Report Sent!”, “Succesfully sent the report on “…args[2]…”!”)
local case = math.random(1,9999)

		for _,c in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
				local card = script.reports:Clone()
			card.Settings.Reporte.Value = args[2]
				card.Settings.Reporter.Value = player.Name
				card.Settings.Description.Value = args[3]
			card.Settings.ReportID.Value = case
				card.Parent = c.PlayerGui.Reports.reports.ScrollingFrame
			--[[local card2 = script.reports:Clone()
			card2.Settings.Reporte.Value = args[2]
			card2.Settings.Reporter.Value = player.Name
			card2.Settings.Description.Value = args[3]
			card2.Settings.ReportID.Value = case
			card2.Parent = game.StarterGui.Reports.reports.ScrollingFrame]]

local webhook =“removed so its not abused by devforum viewers”)
local feedbackEmbed =
:setAuthor(“New Report”, “”)
:setTitle(“Case - “…case)
:setDescription(“Reporter: “…player.Name…”\nReporte: “…args[2]…”\nReason: “…args[3]…”\n **Sent from: **”…placeid…”!”)
:setFooter(“Scripted by drxploxs#0001”)
webhook:send(feedbackEmbed, { username = “AREA 11 REPORTS”, avatar_url = “” })
warn(“VIP Servers can NOT Send mod call reports”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.CoreGui:FireClient(player, “Action Failed”, “Reports can’t be sent in VIP Servers, Please contact the Adminisration for that VIP Server or contact the VIP Server Owner”)

What have you tried so far to localize the issue within the script?

What do you mean? The player not found only works

Solved. Simple error I didnt see