Mod System || Let The Community Make Mods!


This Is A Basic Mod System, This Will Help The Community Be Involved With You’re Game.


Basic Mod System

Disclaimer: This System VERY Basic, I’m Working On A Advanced Mod System



this looks very interesting, will it be similar to SOURCEs modding system?

That’s What The Final Product Will Be Close Too.

im a bit creeped out, literally less than an hour ago I thought “what if I could find a way for the community to make mods for games in a way where they can’t exploit the game”. Then when I come onto the devforum resource page I see this. eek :slight_smile:

It’s good, but yes as you said it’s basic that’s why it’s not that good. I’m not trying to be rude or anything, just take your time and make it better when you can!

But overall it’s a cool little resource!

Im Working On A Way For The Player To Make A Mod Inside Of A Place And After Making The Mod It Will Save The Place And A Bot Will Send The Data To A Discord Bot To Be Check By A Game Dev Or Staff

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why do mod have price tho?
Paid mods are a no for me, point of modding is that people can change aspects of a game and share it with the community, be it textures, adding new models, npcs and even custom logic all for free
I do like this concept however, while it won’t be same as source modding, if done right this can be good

I love the idea of having user created stuff in already an user created game (uh i mean experience, pls dont ban me robox)

Either way this is nice, keep working on it! (so we can have gmod in roblox with addon support xd)

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Can you explain this in further detail please? I don’t quite understand.

has nothing to do with moderating, i think this project about having users modify the game to their liking

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Ohhhh, now I get it. Thanks.

Why is there a text limit bruh

its up to the mod makers and this project is close to finished not much more work todo alot of code and UI