ModalEnabled doesn't work as expected

Not sure if anyone else has issues with this but

Game:GetService("UserInputService").ModalEnabled = false

Doesn’t seem to remove the default mobile controls. I’ve tried checking for other things like waiting until TouchEnabled == true and such but I haven’t had any luck.

Seems pretty janky.

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Modal !== Mobile. Modal usually refers to a UI that demands your attention before you can continue.


I’m asking why this isn’t working like it says it does.

For some reason I think I saw the value of true remove the iOS controls.
There was a discussion on SH about this a few days ago.

You could try like something like:

local inputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
inputService.ModalEnabled = not inputService.ModalEnabled

It works for me, but you have to set it as true for some reason.

[quote] What?

I’m asking why this isn’t working like it says it does. [/quote]

Oh that’s an error on my part. I was the one who put that up.
Bah. The others need to pay attention to the changes I’m making on the wiki as I tend to make mistakes sometimes.
I corrected it. Thanks for letting me know :stuck_out_tongue: