Modding default roblox chat

Considering the default chat has support for some type of images (BC and such), is it possible to add custom images or do I need to completely rewrite the chat?


I don’t ever remember the default chat supporting images. I do know that it shows emoticons however because of the support for UTF8. In short: you’ll probably need to rewrite or modify.

Referring to little icons like the BC, or now premium image. If not, where is the code for generating a chat message? I see the stuff for generating the actual box, but not messages

I think he’s referring to the icons next to player names, such as BC/Premium icons.

If you fork the chat, you can change pretty much anything about it, including adding custom icons.

I’ve never seen the chat system ever have those. The only time those icons appear to my knowledge is in the player list which is a separate CoreGui altogether.

You’ll need to fork the chat system if you want to add icons to chats. The API does exist, yes, but the actual message label construction is done internally by one of the chat scripts.

The icons themselves are available in your textures folder from the Roblox program directory.

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I cloned all of the stuff from ChatService, just cant seem to find where actual chat messages are generated


It receives it from the server does it not? Try looking for something along the lines of that

No, but I found it. I had to manually create the image with a label and modify the margins a little bit, but here is the end result:
