Model cloned in ReplicatedStorage gives bizarre type checking warnings

This should probably be a bug report, but i cant post those lol (also my first post).

These warnings seemingly appeared overnight, as my scripts were generating no warnings last night.
Type checking seems to view Models cloned in ReplicatedStorage as a different type then the usual Model type, which causes some really strange warnings.

Below is an example script demonstrating the warnings; I have a Model in ReplicatedStorage that is cloned.


-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")

-- Service variables
local Rig = ReplicatedStorage.Rig -- Model

-- Module
local Module = {}
local Meta = {
  __index = Module

-- Types
type CharacterBase = {
  Rig: Model,
  Player: Player

type Character = typeof(setmetatable({} :: CharacterBase, Meta))

-- Public functions
function Player): Character
  local CharacterRig = Rig:Clone() -- Adding ::Model or :Model fixes the second and third warning, but not the first

  CharacterRig.Name = Player.UserId -- Warn here ('number' could not be converted into 'string')
  CharacterRig.Parent = workspace -- Warn here ('Workspace' could not be converted into 'ReplicatedStorage')
  local Character: Character = setmetatable({ -- Warn here (entire block)
    Rig = CharacterRig, -- Type 'Model' from 'DataModel' could not be converted into 'Model' from 'Roblox'
    Player = Player
  }, Meta)

  return Character

-- Connections

Line 31-34 give me the weirdest warning:

Even stranger is that moving the model to be cloned under the script itself completely removes all the the type checking warnings. In both contexts the scripts compile just fine.

I’m at a lost as of how to fix these warnings in my game. If anyone has any advice, please do tell.

Repro: bizzare_type_checking.rbxl (73.1 KB) (Scripts are located in ServerScriptService)


I’m not quite sure why you’re getting that error, but why use metatables for this??? Seems overly complicated.

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It’s a condensed version of a script I’m using in a normal game, I just removed most of the object functions. Removing the metatables fixes the 'Model' from 'DataModel' could not be converted into 'Model' from 'Roblox' warn but not the others.


Been getting some weird type checks too. Like this, LOL:


Yeah, it seems like Players.LocalPlayer was turned into Player? and workspace.CurrentCamera was turned into Camera?, which causes a lot of warnings within my scripts. Player.PlayerGui also gives a warning now, not sure what happened.


Seems like these bugs were fixed overnight, not getting any more warnings.


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