Model completely destroyed after replicated storage

when i bring my model from replicated storage it just becomes this one dot

does anyone know how to fix this?


i was able to get it back by undoing edits
so i tried uploading it to marketplace, and when i insert it it gets teleported 100000000+ studs away, and when i bring the whole model closer this happens to the imported model

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im able to duplicate it just fine aswell

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found a semi fix

paste it into rep storage while in its normal state, and then bring it out of rep storage into workspace, only that way does it not break

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You should recategorize this post to #help-and-feedback:building-support.

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but it isnt scripting related sorry about that

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Can you send a video of the issue?

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This is because of the pivot being changed. I recommend resetting the pivot.

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thank u to everyone who replied
but the fix is ungrouping everything in the model completely and then grouping it all back together

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