Model doesn't have the scale property and ScaleTo and GetScale doesn't work

I dont believe this is a bug, but like, I just cant seem to use the Model:ScaleTo() function, the Model:GetScale() function, and I cant even SEE the “Scale” property of a model!

I feel like im just doing something really stupid but I cant find a single post or anything about this

A few things to notice in the Screenshot:
“ScaleTo is not a valid member of model”
the model “lobby” doesn’t have a “Scale” property
it would have said “GetScale is not a valid member of model” but I replaced “GetScale” with another function thats deprecated for that last test run.

Try moving line 24 print(plr) before line 22 to see if the player is loaded yet.

plr is the userid not the character or the model, Player is the actual local player

dont ask about the naming I wasn’t the one who originally wrote the script lol

Not confusing at all.

And This is a Beta Feature, you have to enable it in the Beta Features under the Scale factor for Models Area, when you enable this, you will see the Property, and be able to use the API.

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ok i see
well then guess ill just workaround it with some other way

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