My model falls apart after a kill animation, and stays like that the whole time. He still moves around on the server and kills me normally, its just i cannot see him because he fell apart somewhere else.
Sounds like some sort of replication issue between the server and client. Is this an NPC or a player character? Where is the kill code executed? Client or server?
So that Model isn’t being broken and destroyed? He plays an animation of killing the player and then after that he looks all jarbled up?
My best guess, is that you’re playing the animation on the client. Which is why one client sees one thing and another client see something else. Absolutely everything having to do with the NPC should be handled on the server. And make sure you set the network ownership of the NPC to the server specifically. Beyond that double check that there are no conflicting animations being played on the NPC.
So, when he grab you his animation plays VIA server, then, he initiates a animation for the player hes grabbing VIA server. Every single time I’ve set all his baseparts network ownership to the server or (nil)