Hello guys! So my friend made model for my game, but when i tried to import it. It looks ugly, not like in blender
I’d be happy with any help about it :D.
Hello guys! So my friend made model for my game, but when i tried to import it. It looks ugly, not like in blender
I’d be happy with any help about it :D.
Check the ‘Face Orientation’ of the model in blender, if it’s blue it should appear correctly in Studio.
If it’s red, then you need to select the red face and press Alt + N, then press “Flip”.
Select the Mesh, and inside of its Properties turn on DoubleSided. I would recommend this approach if your game is not heavy on Meshes.
alr, i will try it. ty for suggestion :D.
tysm for your help :D. But i have one question, so it’s rly bad quality, do you have any idea how to fix it?
I’m not sure if I’m looking at a Mesh problem or a Texture problem.
Either way try this;
I encountered a problem with the way my meshes looked previously, and that fixed it.
Otherwise check if you have any modifiers in Blender that you haven’t applied prior to exporting.
Could be the RenderFidelity, or the mesh exceeds 10k tris. (or 20k i forgot the limit)
idk if this particular issue had been resolved by op but I would recommend checking to make sure you don’t have more than one triangle in the same location as well as make sure your mesh is triangulated. roblox doesnt like quads and you can get wierd results sometimes.
maybe this one is correct, cuz my model made by squares, but the texture too messy so i’ll try every one methood. Ty everyone for help :D.