I am trying to create a script that clones models and places them 2000 studs apart. I have done this with partial success, however the Y axis is for lack of a better term, going insane.
When I set the Y axis of the second vector3 in the :MoveTo line, the model moves 3 studs up instead of down. The properties become more bizarre the closer I move the model to Y axis: 0. I’ve figured out that the model is moving in this weird way because of car spawners that I have placed close to the models. When I move the car spawners away from the model, the model behaves as intended.
I have no idea what could be causing this, but I suspect it has something to do with the cars already in Workspace somehow affecting the model being placed. If someone could explain to me what this error is and how it could be fixed, I would greatly appreciate it.
local RoadsTo = game.Workspace.World.Road
local RoadsFrom = game.ReplicatedStorage.Roads
local Pos = RoadsTo.Pos
local Parts = {}
for i,v in RoadsFrom:GetChildren() do
if v:IsA("Model") then
for i = 0,13 do -- 14 * 2000 = 26k
local rand = math.random(1,#Parts)
local clone = RoadsFrom[Parts[rand]]:Clone()
clone.Name = tostring(i)
clone.Parent = RoadsTo
clone:MoveTo(Vector3.new(-1075,-1,0) + Vector3.new(-2000*i, 0 , 0)) -- u have to move model after setting parent idk why