Model spawns in same position

can you please show me cause i am stuck on this

This documentation might have some example code:
Workspace (

ur just showing me documentation about the workspace but i need help positioning objects in a certain area

You should look into the object browser as I cannot find the functions to workspace in the documentation. Oh well, typical Roblox.

I know workspace does have some functions to be able to find parts in a cylinder or something like that.

Are you saying you wish to spawn models in a ring around a point?

If so you can make use of sin/cosine math functions

If you’d like more info then I’ll give it but i may not be able to give full detail till tomorrow

Yes as shown I want stuff to randomly spawn in this cylinder

This might help you:
Workspace | Roblox Creator Documentation

but it cannot detect parts on the edge only inside

Can you elaborate some more? You just said you want to spawn parts in the cylinder, which means inside.

If you want it to be on the outside, you can make it so that the furthest parts that are still in the cylinder are kept.

Honestly i dont see why it isnt working

Except i dont see the purpose of the repeat until, can you explain?

I suggest calculating a random position by

Local bombPos = Button.Position + etc

I want it to be on the inside

i am repeating so it doenst calculate a pos outside

You dont need to if you set the random to a number smaller than the radius of the circle

well how do i calculate the pos in the circle

You said you want it to spawn outside.

I can’t help you unless you make up your mind.

Add the button position or circle position to the random vector

Wait I think I understand what you meant now, this is true. You will not need to use a while loop to get this running.


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