Hello, I’ve been tasked with animating with a tool. I followed this tutorial: How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)
as the others didn’t work. Now, the model is stuck in my dummies UpperTorso.
It doesn’t move with the right arm as it was supposed to, it does when I move the torso though. How can I attach it to the hand instead?
You should use this plugin:
It’s possibly the tool grip, so use that plugin to edit it.
The Axe was a model, but even after converting it into the tool the plugin couldn’t help me. Do you have some other ideas?
Your supposed to have the tool selected while editing the tool grip, it should work.
I think I’m doing something wrong, even with the tool selected the plugin doesn’t even open 
Send a GIF of you doing it maybe?
You need to drag the tool in the workspace then use the plugin