Model upload window doesn't respect thumbnail camera

ThumbnailCamera is used by the Roblox website to allow developers to set a custom camera position for their model thumbnails. It is not respected by the model upload window however.

In this screenshot I have positioned the camera where I’m happy with it, and added it to the model as a ThumbnailCamera. Then In the upload window you can see that the preview totally disregards what I’ve set up.

But the generated thumb does respect it and looks fine:


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.

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This bug is still being worked on. When there is more information i will Let you know.


Update: This bug is still in middle of being fixed. Not sure as to the time line for when the fix will be released but when i get more info i will pass it on.


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.


Was a flag reversed on this? Looks like it’s still using the old behavior. In the model is a duplicate Camera instance from workspace renamed to ThumbnailCamera.

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