[MODEL V1.3 COMING SOON !] Do you guys have any suggestions and ideas to update my FPS Gui to v1.3

im though gui should be more design friendly without acid colors (try making) more grey,more black,add invisible frames, instead of acid colors without any design to buttons (like phantom forces or others fps games)

Why ?

I had to do a rainbow GUI because i just to make it look cool, and also, the UI of the Menu is 125,125,125 and the Play, Quit and the Title is 161,161,161.

So why i have to make a menu that takes the whole screen for nothing ?

Fixed it…

Fixed it…

All of you that you suggested to make the ServerScripts to LocalScripts are done…

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Should i release the update of the version v1.3?
  • Yes
  • No, continue updating it !

0 voters

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By the way, it replies to the topic.

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Important note:

Also you guys can reply to me, it’s completely free to reply !

With “Yes (Reason)”, or “No, continue updating it ! (Reason)”.

no, keep updating it.

ngl, its kinda …. bad

I don’t see the reason for the starting screen. (the “Play” thing.)
Also, if you are going to make a starting screen, don’t use those solid RGB colours.
use something more darker. It’s kinda eyebleeding.

I feel like it needs a lot of changes… there is also a ton of scripts for some reason with a ton of


I don’t really see a need for that either.

This is just my opinion; please listen to what people r telling you. No offense, but the whole thing is kinda… bland.

I also don’t think you need a ton of buttons for the “show fps” and the “version” and the random text label at the bottom right of the screen, so as the… second fps counter?
there seems to be a second fps counter on the top left of the screen, that doesn’t even display the fps correctly.

I run 60 fps without an unlocker, 200 with an unlocker, but the “fps counter on the top left corner” display 7 FPS. Obviously, that’s not true.

You need to add a lot of changes to this model.

Also, in your game, whats with the random “INVITE YOUR FRIENDS PLSPLS :sob:” popup? It’s kinda annoying.

Final opinion;
It’s kinda bland. Keep working on it, though. I am sure it will get better. But in the meantime, don’t release it.

I fixed it, on every script that has:

Do something about it

And could be only available to the READ ME LocalScript.

Which is this one:

	Hello guys !
	Welcome to another update of this model.
	What's in there ?
	------- Non-deleted -------
	The FPSGui.
	The README (Here).
	The InviteFriendsPleaseGui.
	The MenuGui.
	The VersionGui.
	------------- Deleted --------------
	The AppealGui
	The AppealGui2 more like: HelpingGui
	Is that it ?

	No, there's more.

	What's new in this update (UPDATE LOG) ?
	- Removed the 2 ScreenGuis: AppealGui and the AppealGui2.
	- Fixed 1 issue with the long comments in the FPSGui.
	- Fixed an issue when it's 522 BPM Instead of 600 BPM (522 BPM is 8.7 times a second and 600 BPM is 10 a second) (At the InviteFriendsPleaseGui).
	- Fixed a small issue with the "people" thing...
	Person is just 1 and people is 2~infinite (We are 7.7 billion (7.8 billion soon)	
	- Fixed an issue when the menu is too bright for some people...
		The menu is rainbow with the Value Of The Saturation of 125, which is more colorful and less brighter to prevent players to have their eyes "burned"...
		If their eyes are burned, within that the menu is less brighter than usual, they have a problem about their eyes. Wait, what ? Which means if that their eyes are burned to nothing, I-I don't what to say, am I going to put the Value Of The Saturation to 100?
	- Fixed when ServerScripts aren't LocalScripts:
		Yeah, this was obvious.
		I changed all of them to LocalScripts.
	- Fixed an issue when it said My FPS Test
	What I can get rid of it ?

	The InviteFriendPlease if you got the model (Can be useful if you don't get much visits because if you start a new game and now ever EVER plays the game, just put this in. But if your game has more than 1k visits and you get about 1 or 2 people a day you can get rid of.).
	The VersionGui (Can be useful for the games that doesn't have the VersionGui)
	The AppealGui
	The AppealGui2 which is more like the HelpingGui.

	So yeah, enjoy with this model !
	See you soon on the version 1.3.1 or 1.4 !
	This was a super duper tough update to make with the community that I have currently.
	5 likes for a new update ?
	5 likes is gonna be tough, so yeah we can do it !

Also change the long 75-80 Lines Long Script to this:

wait(20) -- Wait 20 seconds
wait(10) -- Extra 10 seconds
local frame = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel -- Scripting the Frame. Mean by Frame mean TextLabel
local button = script.Parent.Parent.OpenFpsButton

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- Making the Button working
	frame.Visible = false
	button.Text = "Open Frame per seconds" --  It's gonna always say this
end) -- The end

One of them to this:

local ScreenGui = script.Parent.Parent
local frame = script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel
local open = script.Parent
local close = script.Parent

ScreenGui.TextLabel.Visible = false
ScreenGui.TextLabel.Visible = true
	if frame.Visible == false then
		frame.Visible = true
		close.Text = "Close Frame per Seconds"
		frame.Visible = false
		open.Text = "Open Frame per Seconds"

And one of them to this:

local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local frames = 0 -- If the fps is 0, than the pc is too slow, if the pc has more than 15 fps but it can't had 60 fps, so it means it's a slow pc or almost a good pc, if the fps is at 60 fps not more, than the pc is good but it can't handle over 1k parts or even the pc is good but you don't have FPS Unlocker, BUT if you had more than 100 fps, than it means you had a good pc and you had FPS Unlocker from 120 FPS to "None (Infinite)"
-- Sorry if line 2 is long...
	frames = frames + 1

while wait(1) do
	script.Parent.Text = frames .. " FPS"
	frames = 0
end -- the final end

Also, there was a script that changed MASSIVELY:

local config = script.Config

script.Parent.Text = "Close Message 15 seconds"

local currSec = config.Count.Value

	currSec -= 0.1
	script.Parent.Text = "Close Message " .. currSec .. " seconds"
until currSec < 0

if currSec <= 0 then
	script.Parent.Text = "Close Message"

if script.Parent.Text == "Close Message" then
		script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false

It went from 265 to 22.

One more script (Consider changing it to a Client Script.) that changed massively and deleted 2 scripts:

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local gameInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId) 
local gameName = gameInfo.Name

script.Parent.MenuFrame.Title.Text = "Welcome to "..gameName
script.Parent.MenuFrame.Visible = true

script.Parent.Parent.FPSGui.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Parent.VersionGui.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Parent.InviteFriendsPlease.Enabled = false
script.Parent.Parent.GoToMyOtherPlacesGui.Enabled = false -- Remove this one

	script.Parent.MenuFrame.Visible = false
	script.Parent.Parent.FPSGui.Enabled = true
	script.Parent.Parent.VersionGui.Enabled = true
	script.Parent.Parent.GoToMyOtherPlacesGui.Enabled = true -- Remove this one
	script.Parent.Parent.InviteFriendsPlease.Enabled = true
	if script.Parent.MenuFrame.Visible == true then
		script.Parent.Parent.FPSGui.Enabled = false
		script.Parent.Parent.VersionGui.Enabled = false
		script.Parent.Parent.InviteFriendsPlease.Enabled = false
		script.Parent.Parent.GoToMyOtherPlacesGui.Enabled = false -- Remove this one
		script.Parent.Parent.FPSGui.Enabled = true
		script.Parent.Parent.VersionGui.Enabled = true
		script.Parent.Parent.GoToMyOtherPlacesGui.Enabled = true -- Remove this one
		script.Parent.Parent.InviteFriendsPlease.Enabled = true

	game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Rejoin !")

I put a slight change to one of my Scripts which is the VersionGui’s Script:

script.Parent.VersionFrame.VersionTitleText.Text = "Version 0.2.2" -- Put your version here !
script.Parent.VersionFrame.VersionTitleText.Font = "GothamBlack"
script.Parent.VersionFrame.VersionTitleText.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
script.Parent.VersionFrame.VersionTitleText.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1,1,1)
script.Parent.VersionFrame.VersionTitleText.TextScaled = true

Forgot to mention, you need a Config (Which is a Configuration), and a Count (Which is a NumberValue.)


Hey, this seems not that bad!
Thanks for gettings rid of all those comments things and adding a way more reasonable “README” script.

this model is definitely getting somewhere!!

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