This one is everything that is possible. Same at OnlyScreenGuis.
What does those do ?
AppealGui: That AppealGui is when you are waiting for something. Like HD Admin (Somewhere on August).
FPSGui: Aah yes, it shows you the number of the FPS Counter.
InviteFriendsPleaseGui: Well it’s to get help if your friends will play your game or not, if he said “I am interested of that game” then he will play it but if he is interested but will play it later then he will say “I am interested of the game ! But sorry, I’m going play some others games first, maybe later ?”, if he is not interested then he will not play it. So if you want to get more visits then use this method.
MenuGui: Ahhhh yes the menu to start the game.
ScreenGui: This one is different, it’s to appeal someone to show the BPM (So like to help).
VersionGui: Yes, this is when you show people the number of the version.
If you had a suggestion, tell me.
Every suggestions is appreciated !
By the way, I don’t have any ideas to update to my v1.3
Why are you using server scripts in screen guis? That should never ever ever be done. Always use local scripts for screen guis since the client is the only one who will be able to see it.
I never said anything on where is it at. Like I said, never use server scripts in screen guis, local scripts only. Simply because the client will be the only one to actually see it.
What they are trying to say is that you don’t have to utilize a Script in a Gui, but instead a LocalScript. Here are two separate icons.
Server Side Script(the one you are using) Local Script(the one that you are supposed to be using)
I hope I made it clear, just replace your ServerSide scripts with LocalScripts and you are good to go.
EDIT: I joined the game and, not to be rude, it’s quite bad. The design is has too much contrast and it “breaks” your eyes. The version number is cut of the screen.
SUGGESTIONS: first utilize a math.round(number) to round the number in the closing message (it’s really bad to look at decimals in that context.) Second suggestion is to remove the “Open Frames Per Second” thing and leave just the textlabel at the top of the screen. Maybe add some contrast and a background in the Message that appears. That’s all I have to say.
I see. The thing that I am meaning is to change that SCRIPT which is a server-sided script into a LOCALSCRIPT which is the one to be used for guis. Also read my edit in the previous post.
Hold on, i want to show you the script on the TextLabel… (The LocalScript you know).
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local frames = 0 -- If the fps is 0, then the pc is too slow, if the pc has more then 15 fps but it can't had 60 fps, it means it's a slow or almost a good pc, if the fps is at 60 fps, then the pc is good but it can't handle over 1k parts or even the pc is good but you don't have FPS Unlocker, if you had more then 100 fps, then it means you had a good pc and you had FPS Unlocker to 120 FPS to "None (Infinite)"
frames = frames + 1
while wait(1) do -- waiting for the fps to work (you can change it to per example: wait(0.11494252873563218) or even wait(0.25)
script.Parent.Text = frames .. " FPS"
frames = 0
end -- the final end
It is currently Saturday today but i have school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (I don’t have school this Friday because i end Thursday (7/7/2022(Or even Thursday, 7th July)
Another edit: Didn’t mean to reply myself.
So it will be here a month later or 2 months later or a few weeks later.
firstly, remove the 30 second wait until you can close those messages that randomly appear, there’s no point in having it. secondly do what everyone else here has advised and change your server scripts into local scripts, it’ll all work much better that way. lastly add some more stuff to do; Currently you just stand around, check your fps and leave
The UI is very bland, the colors are wayy too bright and it burned my eyes, please listen to the feedback and change the scripts into local scripts because only the player would be seeing the ui, it is pointless to use server scripts.