Model won't upload with texture. How can I get the texture?

I’ve found some 3d models I would like to import into my game, but when I upload the obj into roblox there is no texture. The objs do have mtl files. There are also fbx versions of the models I tried importing them too and still no texture. This made me think maybe the models just don’t have textures, but when I open them in blender it very clearly is textured/at least has colors.


This is what it looks like in roblox vs blender. I also have the original blender files for the models as well. I know you can apply textures to meshes, but I can’t find any way to extract a texture from the blender file or anything like that so idk.

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The texture is saved separated from the model.

First you need to save the texture at texture painting.

After saving, go to roblox and select the model that isn’t with texture.
Then go to properties and select TextureId → Add Image.
And then just add the texture image you saved.

Or try to put the path mode to copy and check the case next to it !

I know how to apply a texture to a mesh, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the ‘texture painting’ from the model in blender.

If that’s supposed to embed the texture in the fbx/obj I tried it for both formats with no luck.

In the texture editor, I think there’s a “Image*” button where you can save it

Are you talking about uv editing? I think I’m able to create images there, but I’m having trouble actually getting it to be the texture on the gun itself. I just get a blank image or it saves a black image.