Modeling portoflio

About Me

Hello there i am a modeler and i model for other people. I use to be a gfx maker but i dont have photoshop anymore so i became a modeler to earn some money to be and gfx maker again.


here are some screen shots of my work (all of the other work i dont wanna show cus its not roblox :p)


i dont really have a schedule so im availble at random times exept for the night (night is for good sleep :)) )


im currently not accepting commisions or doing commisions i would do 100 robux for a small model
of the size of a hat but those big ones are 1000 robux


contact me on discord (wxxl#4656)

i made those hats to try to get in the ugc program. please do not harass me if i wrote anything wrong please kindly tell me or else i wont respond or change anything . thanks for reading :wink: