Hey everyone,
I’m trying to model the trajectory of a ball (sphere) with beams. The issue however, is that I am unable to figure out the formula to get the correct curve for the sphere as I am not tweening the ball, instead I am just updating it in a loop (several reasons) Below is a video of the ball and the curve.
My base code for the trajectory of the ball was from this post:
Calculation of trajectories in Roblox Studio - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox
ball code:
function BallHandler:BeginTrajectory(part, cameraCF)
local function Position(Origin, Initial, g, Time)
return Origin + Initial * Time + g * Time * Time / 2
local OriginPart = part
local Gravity = Vector3.new(0, -workspace.Gravity, 0)
local Velocity = 0.7
local GoTo = (OriginPart.CFrame.LookVector * 100*(Velocity*2) ) + (OriginPart.CFrame.UpVector * 51*Velocity)
local StartPosition = OriginPart.CFrame.Position
local Total = 0
self.Ball.Parent = workspace
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(self.Ball, 5)
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(self.Ball.PrimaryPart, 5)
local CurveSize0 = workspace.Start.Beam
local Attachment0 = workspace.Start.Attachment1
local Attachment1 = workspace.Start.Attachment2
--Attachment0.WorldPosition = part.Position
while self.Ball and self.Ball.PrimaryPart do
if not self.Ball.PrimaryPart then return end
local dt = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait()
if self.Ball.PrimaryPart then
Total += dt*(Velocity*1.65)
local g = workspace.Gravity
--Attachment1.WorldPosition = Position(StartPosition, GoTo, Gravity, Total) + Vector3.new(0,-g*dt^2/2,0)
--CurveSize0 = 9.81 * .2 * 0.7
self.Ball.PrimaryPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(Position(StartPosition, GoTo, Gravity, Total))
As you can see in the script, I have tried various approaches to mirroring the trajectory with the curve, however none of them work. If anyone has any solutions or ideas, I’d be willing to try them.
Thanks in advance!