Hello! Im trying to tween this rocket model by looping through the parts and tweening them to the same target. The problem is for some reason the models drift away. Can anyone help me?
Why not weld all parts and just tween one main part. Because when you rotate all the parts, they will rotate individual and not relatively.
Create a transparent main part and weld everything to it. Now you can just tween the main part and have everything move together.
Use a weld, these little guys are useful. It’s like a glue, then your parts won’t drift away.
I have a weld in place but its still not working
Can you show me the properties of the weld?
Ok, now add a weld to “Second”.
When you added a weld to “Second”, Part0 = “Second” and Part1 = “First”
It should work because now both parts depend of eachother
In the model, you need to specify the PrimaryPart. This is the object that you need to Tween (ie Model.PrimaryPart).
All other parts need to be welded to this PrimaryPart you have defined.
Only the primary part moves even though there are welds
hello??? ???
Hi. Do you want to show the script that moves the rocket. That might help us more.
Setting a PrimaryPart and welding all other parts to that is the standard way of dealing with models and should not tear themselves apart like yours seems to.