Models in ViewportFrame become too small from further away

I am working on a thermal vision tool, but the character models in the viewport frame become too small the further the camera is from them. The frame uses the player’s CurrentCamera.

Here is a clip of the problem

I feel like this is a common problem, I just don’t have much experience with ViewportFrames.

Thanks in advance!

Can you use a local script to apply surface GUIs to every part of the character’s body containing a red text box. Then enable AlwaysOnTop in the Screen Gui to make it visible through parts?

I could do that, but I may run into this issue for other things, so I am hoping to work out the problem so i know for the next times i need t use a ViewportFrame for a different reason.

I have very little experience with viewport frames and haven’t quite worked out how you are using them to begin with. Where is the viewport frame located?

In a gui in startergui. It is just enabled and disabled as needed

Hmmm u cant use viewportframe using current camera because of the roblox thingy I would suggest you to use billboard gui

Hey, I may be late for this but I was having a similar problem. I figured out it’s the ScreenGui’s ScreenInsets property that’s causing the problem.

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