This might was answered a lot of times, I just couldn’t find a clear answer nor topic for this, sorry
I created a very basic random model for testing and created a script that anchors a model as soon as hitboxPart touches something. I have no idea why the position isn’t synced, this is stupid
The video of this hapenning
The model
The script
if part:IsDescendantOf(script.Parent.Parent) then return end
print('Anchored', part)
script.Parent.Anchored = true
Why, roblox, why simple things like this have to be complicated
And before you say something like “sync it yourself, dummy” the real problem comes from getting touching parts list on a big model that basically has similar behaviour and unless I resolve a syncing problem with this test model, I can’t move on
i think the game bugs because the server gives network ownership of the model’s parts to the client. try to set ALL of the model’s part’s networkownership to the server like this
for index, part in script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren() do
First of all, whenever you set network ownership, you are setting it as well for other connected parts and it is indeed setting all other parts, meaning that one line is enough. Second, it didn’t worked
Anyone please? Fix must be simple i think, it either has to do with latency, network ownership or something pretty simple. I don’t believe no one has encountered this. It’s just a default model in a default template
Is use the following for re-anchoring parts after they become un-anchored. Maybe it will help you.
for _, anchor in pairs(ws_Locations_Flashpoint.Map:GetDescendants()) do
if anchor.Parent.Name == "Anchored" then
-- anchor
if property == "Anchored" then
math.floor(anchor.Velocity.Magnitude) <= 0.1
anchor.Anchored = true