Moderated accessories in inventory still appear

When an item that you own gets deleted / moderated, the item still appears in your inventory as shown below. Clicking it does not do anything, but iirc it used to redirect you to the catalog.


To be clear, my extensions do not affect this.


Can repro
To my knowledge ROBLOX has no protection against any types of items, for example you can look at private games in a user’s inventory just by clicking Places

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For more context to those who are unaware, OP is likely not talking about the ones that are named “[ Content Deleted ]” - the UGC creators / group owners are simply naming items that in order to throw Roblox moderation off from actually deleting them, those items are all 1:1 parts of official Roblox items which means they’re against the TOS.


Bumping as this issue still exists

this is still happening to this day btw :upside_down_face:

Thanks for the bump! We’re aware of this one. The engineers will update you here when they get the chance :slight_smile:


Just checked, this appears to be fixed with/without extensions. Thanks to the lovely engineers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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