When a UGC dynamic head gets moderated, it does not get fully deleted and the creator receives no warning/ban message.
Only the dependencies (mesh/texture) of the dynamic head get deleted when moderated.
When a moderated dynamic head gets appealed, it does not get fully restored.
The dynamic head is restored, but the dependencies do not get restored.
In both of these cases, this results in a lot of moderated dynamic heads appear like “Headless” and have an invisible thumbnail because only the mesh/texture of it appears deleted.
Expected behavior
Moderation gives proper warning/ban messages and does not only delete the dynamic head’s dependencies.
Appeal managers know to fully appeal assets with dependencies alongside them that do not violate the Terms of Service or guidelines.
Hello - Thank you for your report. We have very recently (just this past week), fixed this issue and done a sweep. Could you please let us know if there are any bundle ids or asset ids that still exhibit this behavior.
Hey, as someone affected by this issue support has been ghosting/not replying to my appeals on mesh and bundles restorations affected by this issue. So hopefully this thread can also be a way for me and other people to get support with this bug.
An example below, I sent an appeal for a bundle that was deleted, but since the mesh was incorrectly moderated the item was not appealed.
I’ve sent an appeal for every single bundle in my catalog (over 60) and I have gotten the same response, yet after 3 days nothing happens.
I’ve also sent an appeal for all dependencies regarding these heads and have been told I am unable to be given anymore information regarding this inquiry (?)
This is the mesh by the way.
I recently came across an exploitative bundle where the rule-breaking item in it (the EyebrowAccessory) has been removed from the catalog, but the bundle itself hasn’t been taken down, when it should be as this is the expected behavior.
A. The bundle was restored (incorrectly) but it’s rule-violating dependency wasn’t (the EyebrowAccessory). This is incorrect behavior. OR
B. The rule-violating accessory was removed, but the bundle itself wasn’t. This is also incorrect behavior, as the expected behavior is the entire bundle gets deleted once a certain part of it is moderated.
Both of these potential situations exert incorrect and unexpected behavior. The bundle violates the rules through including an ‘EyebrowAccessory’ item as part of the bundle, that makes your head completely invisible through a layered clothing exploit mentioned above by Karol:
The item he linked in his reply above was actually the EyebrowAccessory I’m referring to. While I managed to have it removed, it seems the bundle itself was either not deleted or was incorrectly restored without the EyebrowAccessory being reinstated. This all unfolded after you posted your reply confirming the issue was resolved.
I’m leaning more towards situation B—I have a good suspicion the EyebrowAccessory was moderated, and an error occurred preventing the pertaining bundle from being taken down as well (which it should have been). Please look into this and let me know if you need further info.
Thanks for reporting this issue. It has already been fixed. Bundles containing moderated accessories (EyebrowAccessory or EyelashAccessory) will no longer be appeal-approved. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This issue is still not fixed. Some creators’ bundles are still somehow available on the catalog even though their dependencies have been deleted, showing a deleted icon thumbnail. In some cases, the thumbnail is still available while the dependencies are removed, so there might be some technical issues going on. I’ll leave the links to the bundles I found below.