The UGC moderation detected some shirts as “Spam”, I’ve reuploaded few of them in certain colors and they got deleted for spam. This shouldn’t happen because these shirts are supposed to be on sale as part of a series I wanted to work on. They’re not limited copies or anything BUT the UGC moderation detects it as spam.
I’m not sure if there’s any issue with the “miscategorisation” rule, but I assume that could be a potential factor of this moderation problem.
There’s a lot of inappropriate items out there that break the rules out there, such as very detailed torso bodies & content based off inapropriate topics which never get deleted, which I won’t be discussing about in this topic, but it’s ridiculous to see that items breaking the rules get accepted, and uploading 2 generic shirts can get one’s permissions revoked for 7 days.
I would like to ask for the moderation process to be reviewed and possibly get these issues fixed. It’s very weird and ridiculous to get permissions removed for such things.
Today, 2 of my shirts were denied for this exact reason, which I previously uploaded under differnet colors, and I was moderated for this. I’ve never seen the moderation work this badly before, and this is highly concerning. I’m thinking of using an alternate account to upload every single UGC item starting with this point, because if a shirt can get deleted by just being a shirt, I imagine a racing helmet, or possibly some angel wings could potentially get our accounts deleted in the near feature because of such AI moderation malfunctions.
Direct links & visual aids of the situation were attached in a private message
A private message is associated with this bug report
edit: Update! My sister also tried to upload a different shirt model and also got deleted…
not to mention we lost a total of 2,250 Robux.