Moderation in Roblox shall be reviewed

I’ve seen many posts in #development-discussion being moderated in tremendous speeds, and unfairly, all because some people are so obsessed with mass flagging post that it has become a nuisance in extreme levels. I believe that the DevForum is disciplined enough, to manually review each flagged post, due to low demand (I hope so). I Roblox is taking my post into consideration, and start doing something about all of this hectic situation.

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This already happens. All flags on the DevForum are reviewed by real, human moderators.


Are these quickly moderated posts in the room with us?

If anything I’m seeing the complete opposite, with many posts being either left up or even needing "Something Else"s to point out the rules (because apparently the mods often forget them)

I have the feeling you’re just making this post because some rule breaking post of yours got taken down. I have yet to see a single post like this from anyone who was objectively within the rules.


I’m not so sure about this: I’ve had a post more recently be removed for spam, more specifically being a duplicate of an existing post. The removal message did not provide the post that it was a duplicate of. When I contacted Roblox support about this (as forum moderators do not reply for comment), I was provided with a post from months before discussing a similar topic (albeit very broadly). My post in particular was about manipulative marketing methods and the post I was linked to was about distaste for devhunts, which is an entirely different aspect of the recent Roblox events.

I find it hard to believe that a human being could have looked at these two posts and made a connection other than the very broad connection of them both discussing recent Roblox events. I’ve had another post speculating on Roblox events receive a large amount of appraisal despite having the same broad connection to the aformentioned post that my post was “too similar to.” This post was largely positive and I feel in some way my more recent post was removed just because it portrayed the upcoming event in a somewhat negative light.

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