Moderation should account for who inserted an object in Team Create

Pretty recently, one of my friends, Artist_Pad received an account termination due to one of the people he added in teamcreate inserting an inappropriate model in one of his games, which resulted in the permanent deletion of HIS account, not the person who inserted the model. Appeals were completely unsuccessful, sadly.

But let me get to the point. I’m not writing this just to argue for his unban, which is unfortunate, but even more unfortunate is how this could affect hundreds if not thousands of developers on roblox.

Teamcreate is used on the platform for commissioning developers, working together with friends and many other things. But considering the situation that happened to my friend, people that work with you in teamcreate can essentially decide the fate of your account. Also consider how much damage someone could do; blackmail others into giving them things like robux, limiteds, groups, etc, or just simply get them banned with no good reason.

If the issue was properly addressed, then Roblox developers would have to worry less about adding people to teamcreate instead of having to deeply trust them.


Sadly, I’ve had a similar experience myself. Moderation should take into account who inserted the asset and who uploaded/created it. I’ve been warned for other people inserting copyrighted content into a place as an update of the game, even though the last time I accessed the game was 2 years ago. People who can’t even edit the game anymore are still involved with things other people do in the game, and make me cautious to even enter a studio made by someone else anymore.

The appeals team doesn’t help, which is a pretty well known issue. They just tell you to “remove the content.” Then, when you try to explain your situation to them, they will just close the ticket on you and tell you they cannot help you.


Hey there, could you DM me with more specifics about this issue? What did the person in the session insert into the game–was it a previously moderated asset like a mesh or decal? Or was it something created within Studio (you mentioned a model)? Did the ban happen after the place was published or before it?


He’s already given up on his old account and restarted on a new one, the only information I can give you is a document he wrote, none of it can be proved though so its essentially useless.

If you want to see the issue I’m describing press Ctrl + F in the document and type in delete

to clear things up this isn’t an appeal from him just a doc he made


If you have contact with them, you should get them to answer those specific questions so catastrophic incidents like this can be brought up internally properly. That doc does not answer the questions.


I don’t usually like bumping threads after a few years have pasted, but this issue has only gotten worse as more developers join the platform.

There have been multiple accounts of developers being falsely punished due to someone else in their team create breaking the rules, but yet we’ve gotten literality no response to this scary loophole.

And the problem has even been bought up a few other times in the past:

This kind of vulnerability can literality affect any developer regardless of success or popularity, since there’s no way to tell when a team member can go rogue and purposely insert rule-breaking models in order to get the main creator falsely banned.

I’m hoping more people who have actually suffered from this issue can speak up about their experiences here aswell, since this problem should have more attention.


Same happened to me. I got a 3d ban one day because a friend of mine inserted an asset into my game which was completely appropriate and it ended up magically became inappropriate.

This loophole is SCARY because a bad actor can just completely disrupt someone and get away themselves with no action whatsoever.

Before saying “am. ackshualle ets yuor risppnsibiliti :nerd_face:”, understand this is not how punishments work. So what, a I considered a criminal just because i manage team and one of my members ended up a bad actor, commited crime and got away?

btw this incident with my friend was an accident. he’s clueless himself why his model was getting flagged all for a sudden for no reason


Oh, nice to see I’m not the only unfortunate soul in this! My account got terminated two years ago for this exact reason: my “”“friend”“” put an inappropriate model in my place and I got terminated for it. Tried arguing with ROBLOX, got nothing but bot responses. Mind you, I never got warned or banned in 5 years I’ve been on this platform before. Literally a saint lol. Yet I got terminated wrongly.


Thank you for brining attention back to this topic as I do believe it is vital for developers to be able to trust in their account being safe in situations such as these, along with the potential that exists for people to dispose of other accounts while protecting their own.
I think the response from Irish on my own post is pretty telling of moderation’s current stance being they either don’t care to solve this issue or they haven’t properly addressed it seen as they should have the tools available to them to counter this issue.


As long as these problems persist, Team Create will remain little more than a weapon bad actors can use to destroy developers and I will continue refusing to use it even if it would save my life. A handful of Roblox features (including voice chat and forced group ownership transfer) are unregulated in such a way and this may be the worst of them all.

Given the ongoing evolution of ChangeHistoryService, I hope this means individual actions and accountability will get the attention they need, at least in Team Create. Time will tell.

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This happened to me too, some kid I added to TC put rule 34 everywhere and I got permanent banned. Fortunately I got unbanned because I explained it to the Roblox moderators, but my player base was extremely damaged by this action. We need this implemented.


I’ll be very honest here. It’s not feasible for Roblox to “log” every single action that every single user does in Studio, because that would simply result in too much data to analyze. Plus, it brings privacy concerns if Roblox could just see exactly what was happening in Studio at all times. Therefore, it’s impossible for Roblox to get context on who to moderate on a Team Create game, and thus, the responsiblity should fall on the owner.

However, I believe that they need to emphasize this aspect. Whenever you add someone to Team Create, there should be a prompt that states:

Warning: By adding this user to Team Create, you are responsible for their actions. Do not add any users that you cannot trust.

TL;DR: Responsibility should fall with the game’s creator, but this should be made clearer, so people don’t just add malicious people to their Team Create.


Or ROBLOX should make something like a permissions. Just like how in Discord you can control what permissions someone has. In Team Create, the owner should be able to control permissions, so if someone wants to publish something to the game they can’t without the owner doing it themselves. This would be a much easier option which would actually be helpful.

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They don’t need to keep a permanent record of data; it can be for 30 days or less and only log specifically team-create enabled experiences.