
So… What is “moderationservice”, something new that hasn’t been added yet?

I asked the ROBLOX coding assistant to make a script that bans someone from all game servers for 12 hours to give me code, and it provided this:

local ModerationService = game:GetService("ModerationService")

-- Command to ban a player
local function banPlayer(player, targetPlayer)
    -- Check if the player has the necessary permissions
    if ModerationService:GetUserPermissionLevel(player.UserId) >= Enum.ModeratorLevel.Moderator then
        -- Get the target player
        local target = Players:FindFirstChild(targetPlayer)
        if target then
            -- Ban the player for 12 hours
            ModerationService:BanUser(target.UserId, "Banned for 12 hours", 12)
            print(target.Name .. " has been banned for 12 hours.")
            print("Player not found.")
        print("You don't have permission to ban players.")

-- Example command usage: !ban PlayerName
banPlayer("YourUsername", "PlayerName")

heres a photo of another code it gave me

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No idea what the hell ModerationService is, but I know that Roblox is working on a BanService which might be related to ModerationService (if it exists) ig.

im so confused bc i thought it would give me memorystore/datastore to ban them for 12 hours, but it gave me those 2 codes. i’m gonna actually file a bug report right now, and what the hell is banservice + moderationservice

i think it is the bot making things up. it is in beta after all.


There is no such thing as ModerationService. The AI assistant will make things up to satisfy whatever prompt you give it

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What does it say when you run the code? Something along the lines of “ModerationService does not exist” or something else?

Here’s more info about the BanService (not an official name) if you’re interested.


yep! it does exactly that and says that service is not a valid service

apparently they are going to release a ban API soon and i look foward to it lol

so apparently the AI already has the API for it, but it hasnt been released yet

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Don’t believe everything the AI outputs. It can output false information if you ask it to.



i think its a new api they loaded it with

Or, it’s making it up.


This is what unintentional gaslighting looks like.


well yea it probably sees some type of API on the backend and uses it as like i guess a ‘fake’ code idk

No. It’s making things up. The site even says to double-check information it provides. Not real API.

i mean like maybe it sees that its connected somehow on the backend (its hard to explain) as like an external api that doesnt exist for consumers

Again, no. No backend like that.

I already showed clear evidence that the AI made up that information. You can ask it to explain any fake service in roblox, and it will.

They patched it :frowning: (it’s been 4 months anyway)