Captures APIs are now available!

This is very cool! Hope to see this expand to more platforms :smiley:
Also, how do a user toggle content sharing in their account? Is it rather determined by their age & country + whether “Captures” has been enabled yet? How do we determine if Captures is enabled already, since it is not available for desktop players at the moment?


But on studio (for me) there is alerdy capture


hope this comes to pc soon cuz its lit

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@TheGamer101 I noticed one thing with the images from CaptureService is that it looks really low quality. Did I do something wrong or is it intentional? Is there a way to get a higher resolution of the capture?


wth assistant believes screenshots are a instance type you can get with CaptureService:CaptureScreenshot() and then you can Screenshot:SaveAsync(name:string,format:Enum.ImageFormat) to save it.
:rofl: never believe in assistant again :rofl:

-- comment
local captureService = game:GetService("CaptureService")
-- comment
local screenshot = captureService:CaptureScreenshot()
-- comment
screenshot:SaveAsync("screenshot.png", Enum.ImageFormat.PNG)

i didnt ask her in english bc idk thats why i didnt put comments but yeah you understand how bad assisntant is lol

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Purposefully crashing or lagging devices is against ToS, somewhere in there.

It probably made it up to furfill your request. It doesn’t know about this service since it is new.

AI spreading misinformation as always

It would be really awesome if there was a “stream option” that people can watch a particular game on a set server… like watching an event or battle competition.
In other words, 1000’s of viewers can watch players in a single game, and not locked to the maximum of 200.

This is without the need for the game owners having to stream a game.
For certain challenge sensitive games, that this could spoil, it should be opted in… just like players are informed with Mic or Video available on the games.

This will greatly increase competitiveness & more activity… imo.

wasn’t 700 largest player limit on roblox servers?



But in some game engines that’s actually a thing lol (like unity lol)


I’ve seen this question asked twice with no response, and it is the biggest question I have on my mind:
Will there be the ability to pass in a camera object to the function, or a separate function/API, that will allow pictures to be taken from the camera’s POV instead of the player’s POV? While you can manually set the player’s camera CFrame, this is very intrusive and not always a viable option.


Here’s a module that describes the roblox assistant:
shader v0.rbxm

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How can I know that my sent capture with invite link was used to join the experience? in order to award the player that sent the invite.


Enabling rendering an image efficiently from an arbitrary Camera Instance presents technical challenges that were beyond the scope of this initial release.

Although we aren’t currently working on this, we may investigate the feasibility of this for future versions of the API given that there are a lot of good use cases.


Completely understand. I am very excited to see what y’all come up with. I have so many ideas for using a capture service from a camera/part/CFrame/whatever proves to be the easiest to implement. These recent releases have been fire. Keep up the good work. :+1:

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Is there any way to clear these temporary ids from memory? I would assume as more and more screenshots are taken, more and more memory will be used by temporary assets. A developer activated way to just clear unused temporary assets would be ideal.


sad you dont have high quality and the ability to capture faster and using another camera to capture neither, but that’s a bit too much for a recently released feature, I’m sure it’ll have lot more features to come!

this isnt spam just in case someone flags me again

It appears that this does not currently work for developer activated captures, instead always capturing the CoreGui and other guis within the captured image; will this be supported in the future?


-- look into developer deeplinking, the invite includes a launchData string

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