Modern Apartment Exterior

Howdy! I need some thoughts/feedback on my build. I used a reference during the build (since I’m not use to Roblox Studio). This is my first post so, don’t expect a lot. Thanks! :grin:


It looks amazing, I like how the plants and trees are setup it gives the apartment more life to it. The only thing I would change is the material of the house to concrete.

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The leaves/plant looks really out of place. The house don’t good really great either. Here is some ways you can improve this

. There is some free models in the toolbox, search up trees and use the leaves of it as a reference. I would rather it to be a mesh or parts but it’s your choice.

. Some colors seem to be out of place. For example the color of the pillars where the fence is don’t seem to fit. Maybe make it brown or pine cone. Also the color of the plants behind the fence should be a different color, like earth green or grime.

But if it’s your first time building something like this then you did a great job!


Not the worst but the whole thing looks out of scale. The fence is like half the height of the entire building. And I agree with others that the plants are a bit jarring.

Next time get a player model to use as a scale reference, and make plants that match more in theme to the building. Other than that, your technique is pretty nice.

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The building looks low-poly style, but the plants look realistic style. I would add some more texture to the exterior of the building if you’re going for realistic, and tone down the plants if you’re going tor low-poly

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The exterior looks quite bland and basic, if your going for a modern apartment they kind of have more then ‘one room’ I fill like you should implement more then one shape it doesn’t really feature a modern style:

It’s not bad nor good! I’d say some of the ways to improve your modern build in general would be using reference images to get a general layout and how you want it to look like. Since your new to Roblox studio it’s a good start, I think there’s more things you could include on your modern apartment depending if your wanting to improve it a little more.

Other then that I’ll say it’s alright continue to learn Roblox studio and you’ll improve overtime.


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