Hello! I made this over the weekend, and my goal was to try and recreate a house with a realistic style. Considering that it was my first time with the style, I’d say I did pretty well! I did not create the foliage, so if you would like the link to the model I used, please DM me on discord @ IcyXue#5473. I realize the brick walkway and driveway could use more detail, but that wasn’t my main focus of the build. Please reply with any feedback or constructive criticism you may have. Thank you!
WOW! Absolutely stunning. I love the house, tress, lawn. Everything is perfect! Congrats!
Wow! Thank you very much!
This is super realistic, and each fine detail is very precise. I have no critism to make.
Omg! Thank you so much! I’m so happy!
May I ask what you used to make the brick driveway? It looks very smooth. Very nice building by the way.
Thank you so much! I can’t believe how many great replies I’m receiving!
I just used the regular Roblox “Brick” Texture. Thank you!
Well done, I love all the details you added, the colors, and the style. This is just stunning!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
No I mean, it’s roundy, did you use any plugins to make it like that or just parts.
Oh no, I just used a cylinder, rotated it to be flat and then resized it.
Alright, thank you, so just parts, looks good.
I guess that’s how it looks like if you wanted to see a 3d preview of your future dream house.
But seriously, GREAT JOB!
Super nice!! A couple more details you could add are roof shingles (whether you use a texture or bricks is up to you) and a front door to match the style. I think It’s a perfect home. Great job!!