Modern Lakehouse [WIP]

Here is something i was working on a few months but stopped development due to a busy schedule with other projects. Let me know what you guys think.
I might considering continuing the development of this.
It was going to be a unique vibe game sorta thing.


Very impressive, great job! It looks very polished and nice. It would likely do pretty well as a vibe game, or simply a showcase. The lighting is pretty, but you could continue tweaking it into something really beautiful. Great work!


Very nice, I have to agree with @Infinite_Visions it is very well polished, and I would love to see a showcase of the build for people to explore and if you do so add come small little islands around and maybe some music in the background, or some sort of noise. But it looks really good keep it up!


Yes it will be a forest with a lake and an island in the middle. I plan on adding ambient sounds outside of the house.

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Thank you for your kind words (:


In the second picture, the wood planks aren’t lined up. @WoodReviewer hates you now. :wink:

Other than that, everything looks flawless. Great job!


Yeah i thought someone would bring that up. I tend to union stuff like that when the build is done incase i make any changes.

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Wow , no words to describe it.

Excellent job. Keep it up! :+1:


This looks really great! However, the only problem I have with this build is the texture alignment:

I suggest that you fix that or cover it up, other than that, great job! Keep it up.


Oops, just saw someone already mentioned that problem


It’s amazing. I could never do that!

Dang @Crazedbrick1 and @Musketfall, I didnt realise that, but now I cannot unsee it lol. I di think you need to fix the texturing on the wood there.


It looks absolutely gorgeous, I’d give it that. My only problem is just that it feels empty. The balcony seems completely isolated of anything, while the inside is just chairs and a pool. I think that just adding a bit more “life” in the sense that it’s meant to be used. Stuff like some kind of table, just to make it feel less empty

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How do you find reference images? I’ve been trying to build a mansion like thing, but I keep having to build the interior, then build the exterior on top. Got any good websites for references, or any tips? Thanks.

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It’s cute and very realistic! At least that’s me, but I would recommend adding just a little bit more lighting even if it remains somewhat dim.

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My inspiration is random man. Ill find images that don’t even relate to my project but use them in my build and make something different if that makes sense.

Hey, quick question. Wondering how you made the second floor glass reflect the builds. And how it can reflect and at the same time be see-through. Thanks.

Very impressive I almost have no problem with it except in the last pictures the tiles are quite “Misplaced” but like other people have said it looks very good.
