hi, this is urnan2048 and this is my first build. I would love it if you could tell me what you like and what you would improve!
This should probably be in the cool creations category, but aside from that it looks pretty good! Have you added an interior? If not, maybe think about adding some kind of design inside.
no not yet, do you have any ideas?
You could maybe add a bedroom, a main room, honestly its up to you.
I do like it, but it is very empty, and it definitely needs some touch ups. Some suggestions:
- Make some outdoor furniture
- Fill up the inside
- Make the baseplate bigger, and add some other builds.
- If you don’t want to do that
you can turn the baseplate from a part to a terrain, and then add a beach maybe turn it into a beach house.
- Use the lighting part, and add some blur effect, color correction, and sun rays effect. Play around with those effects.
- Just a general tip be more creative about it, and do you,
Good luck
thank you for the advice! I love your ideas.
Another thing you could do is add a skybox that is good for your lighting so it isn’t full day light.
Hi builder, that looks very comfy! I have a few pointers below if you’re looking for feedback-
⇛Try adjusting the lighting so that you know how you’d want it to look best outside of the game you’re creating on, also try expanding it and use a reference photo of another mansion outside of ROBLOX. Other than that, I have no key pointers, looks nice so far. Happy building :}
Your build looks very clean, and very simple looking. I like it a lot. Is there a front door somewhere or anything?? I don’t see anything that needs changing with your modern mansion except maybe one thing.
Fix the lighting a little bit and add some sun rays! I suggest adding a nicer sky box than the default one.The image should also explain as well. I suggest using roblox’s terrain to make your build feel a bit more realistic. If you have the spare time, I suggest adding interior for your mansion. I love what you did with the pool and the pool lights!
thank you for your advice on this!
It’s a pretty decent build, I like the design of the modern mansion, however I do have some suggestions that you could possibly add:
The house doesn’t seem to feature any other type of textures or material on the build maybe try adding a stucco material. Maybe try adding other textures or materials on the building use some materials or even upload custom textures from textures.com.
I would try to focus on the little details, it kind of has that simple design to the entire build. If you want to actually make it look impressive and better, add some chairs and tables underneath the roof on the side of the house, try adding some muntin on the windows if you don’t know what I’m talking about it’s not needed on your build, add some lights to the top of the ceiling, if you plan on expanding the terrain add the terrain features like the pot plants, bushes, grass and trees, and add the stairs, pathway, and rails to the outside of the house.
also, there is a front door where the stairs are.
For a first build that actually looks really good!
I would suggest everyone else’s feedback, but also add something up here. It’s too empty. I would add some lounge chairs up there too.
Greetings, the modern mansion you built has a good start, though you should make your mansion a little bit bigger in its appearance since a mansion is actually a big house. I also suggest if you could make some more attractive color to be added for your mansion would be greatly appreciated because the gray color alone would make your mansion look ‘boring’ as what people say.
Overall, I appreciate your work and hope you continue to improve your development.
First of all, great build for a starter. The structure doesn’t look natural as the pillars aren’t really doing much over there… Maybe add them next to the stairs.
The house can have thinner walls, the walls are VERY big, I recommend you use 0.25 increment size.
I recommend you F3X since you’re a starter, and roblox tools aren’t the best.
Overall awesome.
I like the fact it is sleek and modern design with well balance colour choices and well proportioned.
I would potentially think details like a diving board, fencing around the house, guttering along the roof and the balcony being a stony or grassy material and having a lounge area with some deckchairs and umbrellas, I am not such a big fan of the orange.
Other than that it is a very good build.
This looks great!I think you did a great job on this. I think you should add some detail though. Like maybe a barbeque on top of that little area and a table and chairs. Besides that I think this is really great
It’s pretty basic but not a bad build. Has tons of room to improve!
Greetings, Fellow Builder!
My Suggestion:
• (ACCORDING TO THE GIVEN PICTURE) Try using textures or colors for your exterior wall.
•You can mess up with the lightning to make it look ALOT better.
•Try adding vegetation around your house to make it feel ALOT more alive.
•Perhaps use a plug-in called Part to terrain for your Swimming Pool.
•Perhaps adding more stuff around the swimming pool will make it look ALOT much better.(I am just saying, it’s your choice)
• Make sure to listen what other people said too!
This is what I could only recommend.