Modern Rig Editor Plugin

Finally,something i had look for. this is useful


Today I decided to use this plugin instead of the others and wow, i’m impressed. It takes less time to make the rigs and its much easier to use. Good job making that plugin!


I would like to add that there needs to be a way to edit models inside of models if thats possible.


For some reason the rigs aren’t being made transparent while I’m editing them, making it difficult to position the joints in the correct places. Could you look into this please?


Just published update 3!

I noticed that I was getting an odd, misleading warning when using the plugin about script modification (which the plugin certainly does not do), that also broke the plugin. Hopefully, that should be fixed in this update!

By request, I also (finally) added support for selecting parts in the Explorer when creating joints, which is useful when clicking the part in the view is difficult:


Sorry for bump but was wondering if this still worked? I am selecting a model, with a HRP, and an AnimationController. The PrimaryPart is the HRP too, so unsure what I am doing wrong

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You currently have to click on the model in the Workspace (not in the Explorer) in order to select the model initially.

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is it possible to change the size of the joints to be smaller?, because i have small parts i want to animate and the joint covers the whole part and i cant position it right because i cant see the part

example : i want to rig the green part but its too small for me to place the joint in the right position


Just published update 4!

While adding support for the new “StudioSelectable” CollisionGroup, I ended up deciding to update the plugin with cleaner visuals and improve the undo/redo system. I also remade the tutorial video to use the latest version of the plugin to avoid any confusion for new users. You can check out all that I changed under Update Notes on the original post above.

Here is a preview with the new visuals:

Let me know in DMs if you encounter any issues with the update!

unfortunatly, it is serverly borken :((

it does not allow me to edit the rig at all . please fix it :DD


I did the debugging for you and realise that u just needed to add a collision group called “StudioSelectable” . I manually add it and now it work

anyways thanks for making this plugin
also the new visuals look really coooool

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You should def add welds. That would help alot of ppl

Apparently, Roblox’s update hasn’t been fully released yet (it’s supposed to automatically add a StudioSelectable CollisionGroup). Oops! Just released a fix for this. The plugin will now only use StudioSelectable if it is available.

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um . I updated it and remove the studioselectable collision group and unfortunatly , the error is still there

Okay now the StudioSelectable test should work (:pray:). Regardless, if anyone else is having this issue, you can fix it just by updating Studio to the latest version.