I’m rivertropic and I’m currently working on an interface for my upcoming cafe.
I’ve been creating interfaces in roblox studio for about a year now and have grown to love it!
I’d appreciate any feedback, ideas, bugs or criticism on my interface and scripting.
Feel free to also test the hybrid (serverside and clientside)Anti-Cheat I have created.
I’ll leave some images below just incase you can’t access the game right now. – Warning, this project is a work in progress
It looks really good! Very modern and sleek. The only thing I would change is the music UI as it’s a huge frame, but only a small part of it actually has buttons in it, while the rest is just empty space. Otherwise, it looks amazing! Great job!
I really think some sort of visualizer on the music panel would be awesome, as it stands right now, it just feels a little empty, but I really like the rest! Very clean and modern without lacking personality.