Modern Upcoming Burger Restaurant

Absolutely insane!! This brings back some memories of SizzleBurger, except less low-poly. This will inspire many to build more restaurant style builds on Roblox.

Wonderful job, I love this build.

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Thank you so much! :smiley: It means alot to hear!


Itā€™s really high quality I like it but for the third picture it seems a bit empty maybe add more tables,

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It looks pretty great as expected especially if youā€™re going with a modern theme, for the tropical vibeā€¦ wellā€¦ I suppose you could add more plants in the interior especially on that plain grass in front of the restaurant.
For the massive staircase, the railings shouldnā€™t touch the floor, it just looks a little bit awkward, and you could try decorating the plain sides of the stairs with decorations such as frames, stickers, etc.

Wowwww itā€™s so gorgeous!! Maybe try to put the tables, chairs the same color as the wall in the 5th picture. Beautiful build, canā€™t wait to see what else you will do in future!

Thank you, I am working on the stairs at the moment and it really helps to know, since it will be added shortly! :smiley:

Thank you! I really appeciate the feedback, and it will be applied as soon as I get to that part!

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So now the post has been updated with some improvements and even further progress! Be sure to check out.

The restaurant look amazing!

^ From this perspective, the restaurant looks realistic. Both interior and exterior of the modern restaurant build looks great. Overall, looks amazing and very modern. Great work! :+1:

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Thank you so much! Amazing to hear!

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I canā€™t afford to eat here! Jk but seriously, I donā€™t see why people do this. You just donā€™t make beautiful restaurants. I saw a subway build that was way too fancy, and it just erks me to see people put so much effort into something that doesnā€™t deserve that much effort. Itā€™s fine to put plenty of details, but donā€™t make a burger place seem like a coliseum. If you want to add details, add roaches in the kitchen, add wet floors. Donā€™t make a false reality.

Uh. I am a bit confused now. ROBLOX is not reality, and it is built from imagination. But yea. :rofl:

But, seeing any restaurant this clean is just too weird. Especially huge clean restaurants that are like 3 floors. You wouldnā€™t see 100,000 people eat in a single restaurant, so why make a building that can fit that many?

Uh. Having a open detailed restaurant is maybe better than one that has 1 floor and 3 seatings. Like, the restaurant has to look a certain way to people for it to look good, and it needs to follow some things, such as detailed sealings for example and many like it modern and detailed but it also needs to be different. Thatā€™s just the trends kinda. So I donā€™t really understand what you are trying to prove here. But yea. Lol.

Iā€™m not trying to prove anything. Iā€™m just saying, it is uncomfortable to see a huge spotless restaurant. At least for me. It is just so unnatural.

Ah, I see. Everyones opinion is different.


Thatā€™s truly amazing, great work! This is one of the best builds I have EVER SEEN!

Only downside to it is that thereā€™s a bit of empty space.

Great work!

Thanks so much! And yea I agree, but the more progress the more details and stuff is added in.

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Wow! Good job. It looks fantastic.

Thanks so much. Love to hear that.