Modern Upcoming Burger Restaurant

Greetings everyone. I am gonna showcase a new upcoming burger restaurant which I aim to be very detailed, modern, nice and open but not empty, a bit of tropical vibe to. Some points I already want to get feedback and ideas on is the stairs especially. They look a bit plain in my opinion.

Keep in mind, it is still work in progress and some areas may have less or no decoration compared to the others.

So before I start posting pictures, I did this with my friend DevArtz, so I would love to get some feedback on what we could add.

This post will have updated images so it will not stay same as it original was.


Looks great! However, I know you still said you’re working on it, but a lot of the space is empty. Filling it in would make it look a lot better.

Thanks alot dude. I know it looks empty in some places and that’s due to been in progress and I haven’t decorated everything yet.

Extremely high quality. I can clearly see that you have put time and effort, and the furniture doesn’t seem like free models. Well done!

Thanks alot! And you’re right, we made literally every part and model from scratch! :slight_smile:

All I can say is it looks great. I look forward to playing.

Just a little recommendation, don’t put the stair railings into the floor, create an end bit.

Thanks for the feedback! :smiley:

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This looks amazing! One of the best Burger Restaurants I’ve seen.
There is a typo though.

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Oh yea! Hahaha I didn’t actually notice that. I will fix that now! :smiley: And thank you so much!


Oh wow!
A spectacular job, developer brother.
Let me know when the restaurant opens, because I’ll be the first to order a burger there, Lol.
You are very talented, keep up the job.

Wow! The builds are amazing, and the name is not weird. Really nice! 9/10! Since nothing can be perfect :slight_smile:

Hahah yes! Thanks so much! I will be sure to let you know. xD.

Thank you so much bro! Means alot.

wow. This build is seriously incredible! You guys did an amazing job!
I really love the brick throughout with the wood. All the materials compliment each other really well.

I agree with you as far as the staircase goes… I feel like it doesn’t fit in too well with the rest of the modern look of the build… Have you considered something like this:

I just looked up “modern staircase” lol.
Overall, amazing work! I look forward to seeing the final product!

Nice game for a sec I thought you’re logo said lidl :rofl: not to worry nice game though.

Thank you alot and that’s a plus for including pictures! That gave me a ideas for the stairs now! Thank you so much!

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Hahahah. I can see a bit why. Thank you! :smiley:

Wow looks very modern, I hope your burger restaurant goes well dude!

Thank you so much dude! :smiley: