Modesty Layer on UGC body warning

Hello, I uploaded a monkey avatar that does not have a modesty later and it was approved by Roblox moderation. However when I uploaded a new monkey avatar without a modesty layer, now I have recieved a warning for it. The original monkey uploaded can have custom skin colors and the newer monkeys are FULLY textured. I am worried that Roblox could terminate my account if the existing uploaded monkey with sales is found to be against the terms of service.

This is the one that we have live that is colorable:

These are the ones that gave me a warning:


I would think that the ones that are fully textured would not be moderated. Especially with this requirement here: Marketplace Policy | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I would like it if these avatars could be approved because I believe they meet the modesty standards.

Content: Silly Rainbow Monkey, bundleID: 389575
Content: Silly Pastel Rainbow Monkey, bundleID: 391070
Content: Silly Cheetah Monkey, bundleID: 390411

I would also like assurance that the existing monkey wont be moderated in the future.


I don’t make avatar bundles, but I have seen lots of people complain about this issue. Roblox should listen to their community. They do all of this to impress the investors.

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So good news you very likely won’t get terminated from body bundles getting moderated, this is coming from me which got banned 1-3 day’s numerous times because of how inconsistent the modesty layer rules are.

Bad news, you probably will get moderated over monkeys days, weeks, or if you are lucky, months after uploading. This also even includes bundles with a modesty layer since i had even THUMBNAILS of the bundle get moderated whilst the bundle itself gotten approved

Modesty layer guidelines have needed to be reworked for a long time now and just be way more loose to the point modesty layers shouldn’t be needed for blocky bodies or animals. Theres already a good bit of devforum threads about people disliking the modesty layer as well so if you can definitely try bringing it up to a staff member