Modesty Layers are broken. Avatar Bundles >NEED< to have default 2D Clothing rendered on them

It’s pitiful that this request hasn’t received a formal response for nearly 3 weeks now. Surely, at least 1 staff member has seen this request due to the massive traction it’s gained (hopefully we’re not that out of touch). There’s no excuse for radio silence here.

I fear we might be witnessing an “it’s good enough” mentality. I can imagine them saying something along the lines of: Just wear layered clothing with 2D clothing to remove the modesty layers as a simple workaround. That’s just how it is. It’s apparent that modesty layers were originally created and implemented without the consideration of 2D clothing. Adjustments could be made for modesty layers to accommodate 2D clothing. The problem is: I don’t think they’re willing to put forth effort to make 2D clothing remove modesty layers right now. I have a feeling they could change this if they felt really motivated and made it a priority. This is just my take; I do think the possible causes that the OP presented could be correct. I hope this request will be acknowledged soon!


This whole thing could be solved by simply making 2d clothing render on top of the modesty layer.


I keep seeing this idea thrown around. Unfortunately this is impossible at the moment unless Roblox can somehow implement an option to have 2D clothing render over opaque R15 body part textures, which would probably require some big changes to how MeshParts work.

There are also many existing bundles that depend on having body textures render over 2D clothing, so they would have to be careful on how they implement this.

Funnily enough, this is actually possible with R6 via the BaseTextureId property of a CharacterMesh, but Roblox never implemented this functionality into MeshParts.

For example, the chainmail on this bundle would get covered up by 2D clothing in R6, but they were unable to implement this into MeshParts so they just removed the chainmail altogether in the R15 variant.


Nah its possible all they’d have to do is change how 2d clothing layering works for ugc bundles


Seems like staff are avoiding this entire page like the plague, they must be acutely aware of the issue and are just refusing to acknowledge it at this point, Typical.


Hard agree. Not only are the modesty layers on 2D/Classic clothing supported avatars ineffective, but also just redundant. We’ve had an anti-nudity system that works far more efficiently for years now; why replace it with something that stifles creativity, the very thing that built the platform?


I mean, Roblox is TERRIBLE at Moderation, they Have to do something about this…


90% of games not using the new system looks bad


How can we be whoever we want if the modesty layer covers our classic clothing? who’s idea was this?


Speaking as someone whos been on the platform since 2008, this feature is both essential but also a testament to how utterly awful Roblox is at moderating its platform at times. The recent policies by the company seem to reflect around trying to create “blanket ban” policies which in turn guarantee the moderation of profane content, regardless of whether such content is infringing on their policy of “fair moderation”. This is seen in all aspects of moderation, from the general speech of players to the creation of models. The worst part of moderation is that their appeal system works on the principle of “we don’t use our common sense to determine right from wrong”.

I have personally been banned for literally making a comment on an outfit in a fashion game when, awkwardly, the comment was completely inline with the theme of the round - it was then deemed as “harassment” despite the fact no one felt harassed. If the policies emplaced by the company can’t handle the cases fairly then frankly the policies shouldn’t exist at all.

This problem has two equally simple fixes that would ensure the desired result, but equally allow us to be as creative as possible:
Frankly, a fix to this feature would be to render the player’s character without a modesty filter and identify whether or not the distinct colouring of the modesty layer (we all know it, the multicoloured pants) are present on the avatar. Players should then be able to opt whether their clothing does comply towards the modesty filter, and if not, then the asset should be checked for whether a custom one has been applied.

The fact that the modesty layer is superimposed above the clothing is the largest problem here, it really makes no sense as to why this is even a thing - if the clothing sits above the modesty filter it wouldn’t be visible anyway, and if it doesn’t then the modesty filter will be inherently visible. As a general principle this is demonstrated here:
You can see this custom avatar has clothing beneath which would sit above it, if no clothing was present then frankly it would be able to do its job and could be as black and intrusive as possible.

Roblox needs to just stop moderating using this classic “we don’t want to put much effort into our thought process” strategy, and instead start creating features that frankly don’t hinder the image of the platform. The fact that I have came up with two pretty simple solutions, really makes me worry what their bunch of just as intelligent engineers are doing.


ROBLOX changed modesty layer policy! :partying_face:


Still nothing about 2D Clothing. Shame.


Just a quick update, but it’s been confirmed that they’ve started to work on a solution to the problem.

Although it might be a long while before we hear anything new about it though, since it looks like they’ve just started on it.


While clothing in 2D is not visible, moderators have no idea whether or not a avatar packages naked. The issue would not arise if there were suitable images outfits of them. I also have a feeling some Roblox admins prefer ultra-realistic avatars and are against 2D clothing moreover. Stacked clothing are fine… but 2D clothing just has a better taste, such creativity tales the cake in fashion. TL; DR: It’s taken care of, now — Please fix this so we can continue to use 2D clothing legally. I am tired of seeing personalised avatars banned due to an obscure reason related to nudity, with no visual context. Reward people who are behaving responsibly, don’t punish them.


This is the fifth time or more/less that the Mini Blocky R15 avatars from 3 different creators (dvdko, infchris15 and Blockle) got content deleted and I got the refunds for it but now I doubt the UGC creators would reupload these again to avoid an account ban or termination (if too many?) despite having a light modesty layer. Let me guess, changed rules?

Hopefully I still have my mini plushies that I can use (for now…) as I always used mini bundles for a year or so

But this is getting out of control with the AI moderation (that is unfair, right?) because you see the classic Roblox bundles we used to wear during classic days or when they added Rthro, if we don’t wear any clothes on, Roblox will apply us default colored shirts and pants


Another day, another skinned r15 bundle removed!
For the love of god please stop stifling the potential of UGC packages with this god awful requirement and rethink the situations in which it should be mandatory. At least let 2D clothing appear on top of the modesty layer.


Roblox really needs to do better when it comes to modesty layers, there’s absolutely no good reason to take down perfectly fine bundles that are correctly uv-mapped. This is getting ridiculous and it seems like moderation doubles down every time someone brings this issue up. Do you want your userbase to use new website features like layered clothing and UGC bundles? This isn’t how you do that.

there’s a very, very obvious reason why a large portion of the playerbase sticks to bundles released before UGC. Forcing your userbase to use your new features specifically how you want them to be used only pushes people away from them. Developing these features just to stifle their usability is simply a waste of time and money. Do better.


Good grief, the fact that so many posts on this board are about moderation is incredibly pathetic on roblox’s end.

Users 10 years ago:
Roblox moderation sucks PLEASE PLEASE MAKE IT BETTER

Users today:

Roblox, always:
“#### you, get banned.”

It has been so many years and every time roblox adds anything new it just makes the dated moderation practices far, far worse.

Like what the actual hell? It was never good. Roblox has consistently had objectively some of the most lackluster, abusive, downright broken moderation practices of any online game, and they have done seemingly nothing to actually improve it over the years. Like nothing at all, as far as we can tell.


bump. still heavily needed


Please man, avatars already have modesty clothing. We don’t need modesty layers forced on top of everything. :frowning: