Modesty Layers are broken. Avatar Bundles >NEED< to have default 2D Clothing rendered on them

I should note, while yes old 2D clothing doesn’t meet the same level of resolution, that’s no excuse to just flat out disable it because it’s not a high enough quality yet, especially considering layered clothing doesn’t work as well as it should right now either, i mean you only have to take a look at the massive disruptive avatars made using layered clothing glitches.


Legacy/Pre-UGC avatars could still wear the old 2d clothing but newer bodies should have no support for it so that creators move to the new system. It would improve the look of the platform significantly if Roblox pushed people away from wearing low resolution clothes that you’d expect to find in a early 2000s/ late 90s game. Allowing 2D clothing on ugc avatars encourages people to engage with outdated roblox systems which is bad for the health of the platform.

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I’m not sure having people be unable to wear items they’ve bought previously on new packages would be a great move, honestly. Just using the UGC packages that skin older Roblox packages as an example, they exist because a lot of people find the legacy version of R15 unappealing and want a way to smooth out the limbs and improve the UV mapping - but of course, they still want to wear the same clothes they’d have worn on the older packages. Not being able to do that kind of defeats the point of those.

I don’t disagree with the resolution of classic clothing being poor, but it’s been that way for the longest time now and people should be able to continue to wear the clothing they have bought on newer avatars (and I’d guess this is why a lot of people took to the newer Roblox packages with baked on clothing quite badly, too).


Honestly most of the UGC bodies i used were just ones that were skinned mesh variants of normal Roblox bodies, But yet despite that Roblox still insisted on taking them down for not having disruptive modesty layers despite being essentially ports of their own bodies with no modifications except for them having seamless joints, It’s a shame.


531 likes and yet radiosilence… Is Roblox bothering to do anything with that one?

I’m not using 3D clothing since I use blocky package over anything really. When combining it with blocky package, it all collapses into shambles (tl;dr, it looks ugly). Also it’s just not cool nuking classic clothing catalogue over the 3D clothing one. Doing so would only hurt artists who make clothing (talking about those that dont do 3d modeling) and basically just scamming out people robux they spent, plus as I said, 3D clothing just doesn’t fit with a blocky package (this can affect many other packages but let me know if there are any extras)
Even if clothing resolution isn’t the greatest or lacks any volume, it’s still a trending thing, since it’s simply an image to wrap around your avatar to create a clothing. Plus its a lot easier to make compared to having to model and then creating wrap layer for a 3D clothing.

Basically, removing classic clothing brings genuinely 0 benefit, like actually none. Forcing artists to model, having to buy layered clothing which might not work with your bundle just hurts integrity of the UGC.


I never said they should remove it; just that new bodies should have no support for it since its an oudated legacy system that makes the platform look bad to new users.


It looks bad not having support for it just because it limits player customization, especially considering how layered clothing is still rather flawed in its current stage, not to mention it’s not exactly the most user friendly thing to create.


And just alienate a HUGE majority of the player base that still prefers the look of the classic items? Not everyone is on board with Roblox’s new vision. Simply look at how many new UGC packages support Classic Clothing vs not and you’ll start to see what I mean.

Currently people are able to just upload whatever they want as a shirt/pants for a small fee of 10 robux, and the system is simple, just draw whatever between the lines and roblox does the rest. Not everyone has the know-how or time to learn how to 3D Model, Texture, then figure out the complicated caging system. on TOP of the subscription and gigantic nearly $10 fee PER ITEM. Some of this stuff doesn’t even have proper documentation and can be confusing, even for an experienced creator.

Layered Clothing is a good option, along with Dynamic Faces (Even if they can look creepy), but they absolutely should stay separate and can co-exist with the Classic options, no matter how old they are. Trying to peel away from the HUGE backlog of Classic Clothes is difficult, especially considering how boring and generic the Layered options are in comparison. I dare you to find a Nike T-Shirt or pair of Jordans in the catalog right now.


I just wish they put modesty layers under the 2D clothes instead of over it.


How is it an outdated system? Is it because of the limited clothing quality?


This is so out of touch you must have no skin or something, man.


Yeah and we should destroy all old, antiquated technology like antique cars and CRT Monitors. Then we need to also force those people to use newer versions of that technology even if they don’t want to do that because uhhhh… it’ll look bad to the Aliens that may or may not come to Earth and uhh… It’s bad for the health of the species because uhh… Because IT JUST IS OKAY!!

2D clothing isn’t bad for the health of the platform, people like you are.
You are part of the problem, people like you are killing Roblox.


This is the most short-sighted thing you possibly could have said. The entire point is that the UGC developers are the ones making the bodies, therefore they should decide what works on those bodies.

If you become a UGC developer, and then want to block off a huge part of your market because “it looks outdated”, sure, you can do that, but only for your own bundle. However, you shouldn’t be saying what should and shouldn’t be possible for other developers based on YOUR subjective opinions about avatars. The UGC creator making the body type should have complete control over what kinds of clothing are able to be worn on them.

Not everybody likes layered clothing, myself generally included. It’s also the only clothing type where you don’t need to be approved for UGC to upload, and it allows for much more freedom of expression than the inevitable DMCA-fest that is the “high level” UGC catalog.

Yes, please force developers to compromise the visual style they’ve grown accustomed to for nearly twenty years! I’m sure they REALLY want to move to the “new systems” that are so much better, like Rthro, right? Cause you know, everybody just… loves Rthro.

Almost like that’s part of the appeal of those clothes? Roblox has already lost all artistic and stylistic consistency with its avatars since the introduction of the UGC catalog and packages like 3.0 and beyond, so there is literally no harm in letting players express themselves with an avatar design they find appealing. That is why Roblox’s avatar customization is so strong, because it can basically be anything. Trying to “push” to get rid of old avatar stuff the way you’re suggesting is nothing more than being a pretentious jerk to people who actually like those avatars, which is a big portion of Roblox’s older player base.

Nothing about this is bad for the health of the platform. This is like saying every new feature is good for the health of the platform, which it isn’t. Literally just “old thing bad new thing good” mentality right here. You are giving players options, you are not holding the entire platform back by supporting something that’s practically integral to the platform’s legacy and identity. I can’t even fathom how you come to this kind of conclusion beyond being a complete corporate shill.


This is incredibly nonoptimal, 2k Textures mapped out for Humanoids after being unpacked would leave a lot of memory usage, thus bringing performance down for lower-end devices. sure it may be fine for like 10-12 players on screen but when games get to bigger servers I predict it would get heavily performant and just bring issues overall. This is why Roblox even downscales textures when unpacking for humanoids and can end up seeing a lot of artifacts.


This isn’t a good take. Developers should be allowed to do what they want with their rigs (within the TOS, obviously).

Do I think 2D clothing needs an update to catch it up with modern features, though? Yes. Classic clothing, as you mentioned, is extremely low resolution. 128x128 for a torso? what?

Classic clothing also needs PBR support already, lets make this happen! It would be better with two categories, Classic clothing, which is the stuff we have now, and 2D clothing that still allows PNG uploads within Studio, but converts it to a cage mesh (and allows PBR).


It’s crazy how they’ll do this to prevent “sexual content”, yet they won’t do the bare minimum to ban all of the obvious sexual groups, games, and accounts. They clearly don’t care, and it’s really weird how strict they are on this rule.


They could downscale the 2k textures for lower end devices, and im not saying they need 2k textures, 1k would be fine. My point is that the extremely small UV-Maps do not look good and should not be supported on the higher poly UGC bodies.

They look fine. Could they be better? Yes. Should they have support dropped just because one person thinks they look bad? No. That’s just stupid.


I respect this point. However, I still feel like it should be supported and expanded upon instead of just outright gatekeeping it. SurfaceAppearance-based 2D clothing would be a really awesome quality of life feature.


Support. The way modesty layers are currently implemented is completely ridiculous. Why on earth do they render on top of 2d clothing? If this weren’t the case I think it would be much less of an issue. I’ve been perfectly content using UGC packages like inf15 to keep the blocky look, but many of them were recently moderated. I shouldn’t have to choose between wearing underwear on top of my clothes or wearing extremely bulky layered clothing. Neither of these options are appealing to me. I hope these concerns are addressed soon.