Reproduction Steps
I’ve prepared a Roblox level file that showcases the bug:
BouncyBaseplateUsingWeld.rbxl (26.9 KB)
Instructions: Play the level in “Play” mode. Then click the 2x1x4 block. Your character should start bouncing and in some cases slide off the baseplate.
The Roblox level above constantly welds and un-welds a part to the baseplate creating (and dismantling) an assembly. This occurs once the 2x1x4 part is clicked. I’ve noticed whenever a part is added to an assembly its as if the assembly velocity is changed. But this is never show in the properties panel.
In a building game I work on this action is done constantly while building. Players can place a block on the building plot which in turn creates an assembly involving the placed block and the building plot.
in-game demonstration:
you can notice that the player’s character preforms a small bounce once creating the assembly. This alone isn’t much of a problem. But some building blocks constantly edit the assembly which results in the baseplate (assembly) continuously bouncing a player and in the case of a low performance device, slides that player as if on a conveyer belt.
Expected Behavior
The player’s character undergoes no forced movement.
Actual Behavior
The player’s character bounces rapidly and in some cases slides.
Some reports of this issue in-game:
Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-11-11 00:11:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-11-18 00:11:00 (-05:00)