ModTools (Ban System Plus) [OUTDATED]

This wouldn’t be great for exploiters, since they’d be able to just remove the UI when being kicked, you almost need a command that forces the kick.

Use the old roblox kick/ban GUI. It will prevents exploiters from bypassing it. @infiniteRaymond

This is a bit late, but :LoadCharacter cannot be run by the client, making this system good for clientsided exploiters. If you have serversided exploiters, then you probably have a backdoor in your game.


I might not seen it in this pose but im wondering how do i perma ban like what do i put
im sorry for the dumb question

Leave the duration as blank and it should do a perm ban.


Update idea

For the “admin users” section I suggest maybe adding a user ID check so if an admin changes their name they can still access the system. Other than that, wonderful system! You’ve done wonders for my game’s alpha release!

here’s a Bug I found:

When I ban a player for 5 days I get this

there’s no reason and the number returns a wonky value


Also the character isn’t deleted as I can still walk around, but I cannot talk or interact with anything

found another bug

Not sure if this is due to any tweaking I’ve done, but sometimes the code doesn’t give me the tool GUI regardless of my name being on the list of admins.

Not sure if this will fix the last bug but here’s your solution (I hope):

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
if RunService:IsStudio() then

Don’t forget to copy “HD Admin TopBar+” in to ServerStorage.

Edit: Another affective way to do this is to put require(4874365424) in another script.

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is it possible to ban someone permanently?

I believe you just need to put inf instead of number in the ban length.

As told by the creator a few posts above, you’ll have to leave the duration field empty to permanently ban someone.


This will likely not be updated for a while, unless it really needs it, or it gets some more attention.


This seems like such a cool and easy ban system! Thank you so much for creating this, it will certainly be helpful in my game!

Just 1 question: Is it possible to add more admins to this system so that I can have mods while I’m offline? And are there logs anywhere to see who is currently banned and/or who banned them?

You can add as many admins as you like, and no, the way I made this doesnt support logs

If I use this in my group game who all will be able to ban people?
Please let me know… I am a noob : (

Would it be ok if I took this and implemented it into an admin panel that I already have? If so do you want credit?

Just find the script that creates the TopBar button and set a permission system so that only admins can see the button.

MAKE SURE TO MAKE SECURITY MEASURES Otherwise hackers can easily access the panel and ban people.

You could probably edit the code to make it where when they press the button it fires a remote event to the server and then on the server side check if the player who fired the remote event is a admin (probably by looping through a table of user IDs and checking if the player who fired the remote event is in that table) and if the player is an admin, fire the remote event back to the client who originally fired it and then back on the client side, you open the mod panel.

Sorry if that was confusing. And sorry that this is a very very very late response. Just thought I could help. :slightly_smiling_face:

I really, really don’t care what people do with this anymore.

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It so cool, but i test ban he is not works(
Please make update