Hello. I’ve ran into a problem with my ModuleScript. When first spawning in it works all fine no problems. But when I reset or “Refresh” my character the Module doesn’t load again basically making the character useless. How could I fix this so it doesn’t do that anymore. Please help!
-- Services {Game} --
local PlrService = game:GetService('Players')
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
-- Constants {Basics & Modules} --
local GameFronts = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild('GameFronts')
local GameMods = GameFronts:WaitForChild('Mods')
local ModSufix = '_'
local MustLoadModules = {'Actions'} -- 'Note The Modules The Client Will Handle'
-- For Statement --
for _,Mod in GameMods:GetChildren() do
if Mod.Name == ModSufix .. 'Actions' and Mod:IsA('ModuleScript') then
-- Require Module --
I thought the issue might have been that the module script was already required and it’s result was cached making it not run again (as in returning the old result).
Correct. ModuleScripts will only run their top-level code the first time they are required in any particular execution context. An ugly workaround would be to change require(Mod) to require(Mod:Clone()), but the better solution is to require the module once, and have it return a table with a function that you can call repeatedly, rather than just running code and not using its return value at all.
Instead of your ModuleScript having something like this:
<code you want to run>
return <value you don't even use>
It can be as simple as this:
return function()
<code you want to run>
Then you require this module once at the top of your script, like local myFunc = require(<path to the ModuleScript>)
Then where you currently have require(Mod), you’d just have myFunc() instead.
Of course this can get a bit more involved if you were expected to save state between calls. Normally, people make a ModuleScript return a Lua table that has data members and/or one or more functions. But you can just have a ModuleScript like above that is just a function