When you require module script, it becomes activated, and runs it’s code once.
But somewhy, I did a module which not follows that rule and instead reruns each time I require it. (Assume that I call if from server only, ik that it won’t replicate across client-server boundary)
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remotes = RS:WaitForChild("Remotes")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local IsServer = RunService:IsServer()
local CurrentId = 0
local Data = {}
local Module = {}
local Initialized = false
function Module.AddItem(Key, Value)
local KeyValue
if IsServer then
local DataId = Key:GetAttribute("DataId")
if not DataId then
KeyValue = CurrentId
Key:SetAttribute("DataId", CurrentId)
CurrentId += 1
KeyValue = DataId
KeyValue = Key
print("Adding key:", Key, "; " .. tostring(KeyValue) .. ";", Value)
Data[KeyValue] = Value
if IsServer then
Remotes.ItemDataChangeEvent:FireAllClients("AddItem", KeyValue, Value)
return KeyValue
function Module.GetItem(Key)
return Data[Key]
function Module.RemoveItem(Key)
print("Removing key: " .. tostring(Key))
Data[Key] = nil
if IsServer then
Remotes.ItemDataChangeEvent:FireAllClients("RemoveItem", Key)
function Module.GetAllData()
warn("Items's table name is: " .. tostring(Data))
return Data
if not Initialized then
Initialized = true
print((IsServer and "Server" or "Client") .. " has begun initialization of data table")
if not IsServer then
Remotes.ItemDataChangeEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Action, ...)
local LastData = Remotes.ItemDataTransmitFunction:InvokeServer("GetAllData")
for k, v in pairs(LastData) do
Module.Data[k] = v
Remotes.ItemDataTransmitFunction.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, Action, ...)
return Module[Action](...)
print("Module activated")
return Module
In this case, “Module activated” gets printed as many times, as I require module.
BUT: in the same time, when I require the following module:
local CurTime = os.clock()
print("Module activated")
return CurTime
If you require a module, it gives you new information, if you require it again somewhere else, it will give you new information too, the information doesnt replicate.
Wrong statement, try to utilize my second module from diffirent places. Try even print what that module returns after couple of waited requires. They will give same result:
If module returns function, then function will be returned. When you will call it - ofc it will print more times - but even if that function will refer to that CurTime variable, result won’t change:
In my case, I return table of functions, which should work with “pre-defined” data, as I assume, but it decided to use diffirent laws of luau
I had that misunderstand of modules for a whole 2.5 years too.
Okay so just realized that You can’t detect the require multiple times since the module is only running once. Once the module is required the same information to the same value is returned.
That’s what I was talking about. I used this approach for dozens of my scripts, and they worked without flaws.
But this specific script has began to glitch out with being re-required every time I require it, instead of returning what it has done once.
Also, Idk by which laws in the world, it works later. After all requires. So each require resets it, and it works with last one.
This will yield the requiring of the script allowing other requires to think they were the first to call it. Perhaps use task.delay to allow the require to complete, or instead of running the code inline, use a separate method which can be called immediately after.
My script is being used by both client and server. In the case of server, this method never will be used, but script is still getting problem. Even if I completely remove script content, problem persists.
Hm, I guess I found possible reason why this thing occurs…
Some of my script use Actors (which idk how to force working anyway), and they are requiring that module too. When I removed actor, it stopped glitching away.
Now only one glitching module which requires problem left - pickup.
Scripts that run under Actors will be executed in their own separate VM (you can think of it as its own environment) for the sake of thread safety when running code in a parallel state. Requiring a ModuleScript and having it cache a result from within an Actor will actually just cache that result in the VM the actor is executing under, and vice-versa from the global one - you unfortunately cannot use them interchangeably as you would in normal scripts.
You should look into cross-thread communication or research other methods of cross-actor communication (alternatively, if you aren’t running computationally intensive tasks that would otherwise benefit from multi-threading, you can ditch using actors all-together).