The 1st argument is NOT optional, on that :HasTag, :AddTag and :RemoveTag need to be usable (Mandatory)
The 2nd and 3rd arguments are optional (order doesn’t matter, as seen in the exampels)
If one of them is a string it will be used as tag and if it’s a number it will be used as await
tag is a string which will be used in giving your current debounce a name
await is the duration in seconds for how long the debounce should occur
If you don’t specify tag or/and await the default values are set as following:
local Replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local debounce = require(Replicated.handleDebounce)
if (debounce:handle(player, 1, "exampleTag")) then
The if-statement would only be true if the instance has no active debounce. Which means if you spam click, it would only trigger every 3 seconds since the time set for the debounce is 3
If you are using the module with different purposes within the same script, you’d want to use tags in order to specify a unique debounce.
Also you aren’t forced to set a tag
(If it doesn’t, I’ll fix that. The idea of tags is the use of multiple debounces)
I know, in my example I provided a fixed wait. But in many scenarios, the amount of time you wait in the block is variable and so not appropriate for this module. But it’s quite simple to do a debounce anyway, so it seems a waste to have a module like this for something so simple when it only works half of the time.
As stated, if the contents of the block yields, this module is not suitable.
local function SwingSword(special)
if debounce(player, 1) then
if special then
Hit() -- debounce is over prematurely
Hit() -- debounce is reasonable
It would be much easier to use a traditional debounce, which can be done very easily.