Module script function not running, no errors and no loops

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I’m attempting to contact a module script from a server script, however it does not work.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

When I call the module function in a script nothing in the module prints, the script is calling it and printing, however it never seems to actually reach the module script.

I’ve tried looking at the following but none helped.

Here’s the function that calls the module:

local function AlertWantedLogic(Assailant,Victim)
	warn("module being contacted")
	local PCS = game.ServerScriptService.WantedLevelLogistics.PlayerCriminalSystem

The warn prints

This is the module iself:

local PCS = {}

-- function checks who was shot, if it's an innocent person or a cop then they get a wanted level

function PCS.ShotCheck(Assailant,Victim)
	warn("Something Bruh")
	local police = game.Teams.Police
	local Civ = game.Teams.Civillian
	local Ateam = Assailant.Team
	local Vteam = Victim.Team
	if Ateam == Civ and Vteam == police then
		-- make the assailant wanted for  firing on an officer
		-- Add 5 minutws to thier wanted time, and give them level 2 for assault on a peace officer
		local WantedBool = Assailant:FindFirstChild("IsWantedBoolean")
		WantedBool.Value = true
		WantedBool:SetAttribute("WantedTimeRemaining",WantedBool:GetAttribute("WantedTimeRemaining") + 300)  
		WantedBool:SetAttribute("WantedLevel",WantedBool:GetAttribute("WantedLevel") + 2)
	elseif Ateam == Civ and Vteam == Civ then
		-- check if the second civ is hositle, if they are let the shooting be valid and give a **LOWER** wanted level for self defence
		-- if the second civ is not hostile give the max wamnted level for shooting an innocent civ.
	elseif Ateam == police and Vteam == Civ then
		-- if a cop shoots a civilian AND the civ is hostile  then allow it -- maybe hosite or armed with a gun
		-- if a cop shoots a non-hostile civ then fire them and imprison them for a few after lets say 2 warnings

return PCS

I tried it without the return in the function, and with and neither worked.

If anyone knows why this is I’d appreciate it!

I believe the problem is this line:
local PCS = game.ServerScriptService.WantedLevelLogistics.PlayerCriminalSystem
(in the first script)

Try replacing it with this:
local PCS = require(game.ServerScriptService.WantedLevelLogistics.PlayerCriminalSystem) (one line, devforum decided to split it into 2)

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Thanks! I have no clue how I overlooked this :skull: