Hello!! I’m making chunk based cave generation with object oriented programming, and some parallel luau. I dumbed the code down a bit for this post, but the same issue occurs.
The ore class has a line (oreChunk.Ores[oreCoordinates] = self
), which is supposed to add the ore to a property of the chunk class, but doesn’t. After printing the chunk.Ores
table to the console, it shows up empty.
What I find really strange is printing the table in the ore module shows that the table is populated on that side, even though both are supposed to be server sided??
Any help is appreciated, the rbxm is attached.
generation issue.rbxm (5.0 KB)
Some more about the generation, in the chunk class, generation is split up into 8x8 “sections” that are all generated one after the other. This is where the parallel luau comes into play, since the original script uses the parallel time to get perlin noise and random values.