ModuleScript ghost draft by accidental deletion, there is no way to remove it

In my update testing workspace which works with Draft Saving, I recently accidentally pressed the Delete key causing one of my ModuleScripts to be deleted, however I recovered it through the Undo option.

And yet recovered, the system considers that module to have been completely deleted from the server. It offers an option to correctly visualize the draft and restore it, if you try this, as expected it places it in the Workspace having to remove the status of not found, which in my case does not happen, it continues marking it as nonexistent. When I hit discard draft it does nothing. So I do not know what to do, because in the files that Studio stores in the folder My Documents the affected module is not found either, I have no idea where it is being kept.

Happening on Roblox Studio macOS client version 0.656.0.6560679

External Media

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi thanks for the bug report!

From what I see, a ghost draft is created that cannot be discarded using the UI. I’ve attempted to reproduce the issue to see if I can find the root cause, but it seems like it is rare to reproduce. For now, if you’d like a workaround you can delete the drafts from your computer.

WARNING: this will permanently delete your drafts!


  1. Close RobloxStudio
  2. on MacOS open the folder: /Users/<YourUser>/Documents/Roblox/Sandbox/
  3. delete the folder with the matching Place ID

NOTE: if you delete the entire Sandbox folder you will delete ALL drafts for ALL your places.


I see what you mean! Your workaround worked for me, although it is pertinent to say that with the latest Roblox updates (including the release 658) the issue was still occurring. Thank you very much and have a nice day day (:

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