ModuleScript Help

I have a module script and when I change a value in that script on the server, and then require the module script on a client the value hasn’t changed? is it supposed to be like that and if so what’s the work around?

Here is an example:

local module = {
bool = false

return module

require(module).bool = true
print(require(module).bool) -- Prints true

print(require(module).bool) -- Prints false 

Module scripts value wont work between client to server or server to client.
If you change a module script value through server script then it will only will work with server scripts and not with local scripts.

If you update the value with local script in module then it will only work with local scripts and not server scripts.

Alright thanks, what would be the best work around?
Would it be to use values?

Yeah, just use values.
If you want to update a value through client then use remote events.

Well I suggest you to not make values update through client bc of exploiters.
Like if you make it

GiveCash:FireServer(90) -- GiveCash is a remote event.

then exploiters can easily give themselves unlimited cash by doing

GiveCash:FireServer(math.huge) -- GiveCash is a remote event.

The solution for your post is, create a Bool value
and set its value to true (from server)
then get the bool value from client.