ModuleScript issue

Trying to make a door that opens after 3 seconds using OOP.

The door doesn’t work due to this error:
15:36:00.130 toggleMovement is not a valid member of Part "Workspace.CodeDoor.Door.Hinge" - Server - CodeDoor:9

I have 2 scripts, a server script and a module script. The module script is parented to the server script in serverscriptservice.

Here are my scripts:

Server script

local collectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tag = collectionService:GetTagged("CodeDoor")

local fetchMovement = require(script.FetchMovement)

for _, door in pairs(tag) do
	local newDoor = fetchMovement:new(door.Door.Hinge)

Module script

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local movement = {}
movement.__index = movement = false
movement.openTime = 2

function movement:new(object)
	local newMovement = setmetatable({}, self)
	newMovement.__index = newMovement
	newMovement.Model = object
	return object

function movement:moveObj(properties)
	local tween = tweenService:Create(self.Model.Hinge,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In, properties))
	return tween

function movement:toggleMovement() = not
	local properties = {}
	properties[true] = {CFrame = self.Model.Hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0)}
	properties[false] = {CFrame = self.Model.Hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0)}
	local tween = self:moveObj(properties[])

return movement

I think it’s something wrong here, try this

	local newMovement = {}
	setmetatable(newMovement, movement)
	newMovement.Model = object
	return newMovement

In your original code, you were returning the model again, so you were using a function that doesn’t exist for models, and with that change, you will need to do a slight change in your server script

local collectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tag = collectionService:GetTagged("CodeDoor")

local fetchMovement = require(script.FetchMovement)

for _, door in pairs(tag) do
	local newDoor =

Judging from how you were using the code, seems your original method would still error because you give it the hinge as the model, rather than the doro model

Also I would check out the toggleMovement method afterwards as your opening and closing is a bit off

I was about to reply that I solved it by doing that before you even replied lol. Thanks anyway.

Also, shouldn’t you set the __index?

I presume you’re doing OOP? It’s not really needed since you can set the metatable to the movement template you have and return that. Should still work eitherways

And why is my opening and closing a bit off?

I’m not sure if I’m mistaking it, cause in your toggling, I don’t think it’ll close the door properly since it’ll keep it at the position it was in originally when firing it again. Not sure if

properties[false] = {CFrame = self.Model.Hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-90), 0)}

Would be what is needed, but if your original code for it works it should be fine

Oh no, it sets it to the origin again. It worked fine. Also I have run into a really odd issue.

local collectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tag = collectionService:GetTagged("CodeDoor")

local fetchMovement = require(script.FetchMovement)

for _, door in pairs(tag) do
	local newDoor = fetchMovement:new(door)

At the wait(10) part, for some reason it doesn’t wait 10 seconds. It waits, like, 5 I think.

I’m not sure if that’s an issue with the modulescript or something else, are you certain it’s waiting less than told? Looks to me it should work

Yes, it is working less than told.

That’s odd, maybe try doing the changes I did to both the ModuleScript and the server script and see if that does soemtihng?