Mokhai Handbook

:wave: Welcome to Mokhai!
β€œExperience the authentic taste of Hawaii”

:point_right:t2: We are a newly established original Hawaiian steakhouse within the Roblox community! From offering a personalised, unique service to our customers through maximizing engagement - to empowering our creative chefs to crafting your favourite exclusive dishes, we offer the ultimate restaurant experience. So what are you waiting for? Join the fun as a customer to try our new menu or join the team as a Chef, preparing orders for your friends and working your way up!

:ocean: As we begin to approach our launch in late 2024, we hope you are all excited as we are for the opening of Roblox’s first Hawaiian steakhouse! Get involved by connecting with us below to start your journey today.
Useful Links
:sparkling_heart: Join our Roblox Group!
:cut_of_meat: Visit our Restaurant!
:woman_cook: Start Your Career!

:x: Ban Appeal Form
:handshake: Affiliate Application

:left_speech_bubble: .gg/aBGQGSRbmt
:clipboard: Table of Conents

Community Guidelines

In order to maximize the safety of all members within our community, we have put together the following guidelines to ensure a safe, diverse and inclusive environment for all.

  1. Respect: It is key that all members respect each within our community, regardless of someone’s view, identity or background.

  2. Spamming: Spamming of all sorts is strictly prohibited and is extremely disruptive. Users caught spamming in our game will be immediately removed by an in-game administrator. Spamming can mean chat flood, sending repetitive emojis, etc.

  3. Advertisement: Our group is not a place for you to promote your own services or advertise unaffiliated groups/servers. If you advertise, you will receive a warning followed by a kick/ban depending on the severity.

  4. Drama: As a community, we hold a strict intolerance to any genre of drama/toxicity. Users who start or engage in drama will receive moderation action. We strive to maintain a drama-free community. If you have any further questions/concerns regarding our community guidelines, please consult them with a member of our Moderation or Executive Team who will be able to assist you further or alternatively, open a support ticket in our Discord server to speak to an online administrator.

  5. Common Sense: Please utilize common sense and follow Discord ToS at all times! :smile:

Staff Guidelines
  1. Grammar: Grammar is not mandatory in-game or in our community server by any of our staff members as we aim to appeal to a more varied range of members to join our team however proper sentences and common sense is required when talking to customers.

  2. Professionalism: Please conduct yourself professionally when you join the β€˜Staff Team’ in-game, to maximize flexibility and game-time - we allow our staff to switch between teams as an employee and customer to make their experience as varied as possible. But remember, when you are in the staff team - professionalism is a must!

  3. Service Conduct: When serving customers, please ensure your attire is appropriate and you follow the outlines procedures in-game to prepare orders correctly and efficiently.

Rank Information

Customer: A member of the group.

Trainee: Passed the job application successfully - must complete an in-game mandatory automated training session of 5 minutes to be ranked β€˜Junior Chef’
Junior Chef, Senior Chef & Head Chef: Serve customers and prepare their dishes, get promoted by acquiring points through delivering orders successfully!
Kitchen Leader: To acquire this role, you must receive 2 recommendations as a Head Chef from any Supervisor+ and progress towards internship!

Staff Intern: Applications for this role will be open 24/7 in our Community Server to all Kitchen Leaders, however as there is a maximum capacity - they would be placed on a waiting list and monitored by our Human Resources Team throughout this process. Upon acquiring internship, Staff Interns will go through our Management program which they will have to pass successfully before being promoted to Supervisor. (Max. 30)

Supervisor: Our Supervisors are responsible for helping lower-ranked staff members with questions and concerns. This role has in-game moderation commands. (Max. 20)

Manager: Our Managers are responsible for the overall service and moderation within our restaurant, dealing with complaints and utilising administration commands to remove those in violation of our guidelines from the game. (Max. 15)

Coordinator: Our Coordinators work closely with management to monitor in-game regulations and performance from lower-ranked staff members. They will additionally assist our Executive Team in lighter duties to progress towards working within a department. (Max. 10)

Operations Intern: Our Operations Interns will be assigned to work in a team within their allocated department. (Max. 6 - 3 per department)

Operations Director: Our Operations Directors will work within their department on more extensive tasks and consult with the Executive Director on key departmental changes. (Max. 4 - 2 per department)

Executive Director: Our Executives Directors are in charge of the operations within their assigned department and its Executive members. (Max. 2 - 1 per department)

Vice President: Oversees both of our departments and works with the Executive Team to streamline performance and stats. (Max. 2)

President: Responsible for collective group oversight and conducting Executive meetings to relay group affairs and key changes to the Owner. (Max. 1)

Owner: Responsible for presidential affairs and development. (Max. 1)

Department Information

:mega: Public Relations: Responsible for community engagements, event coordination, moderation, appeals, feedback, partnerships and external group affairs.

:briefcase: Human Resources: Responsible for staff performance, streamlining staff requirements, management meetings, disciplinary, compliance, auditing and internal group affairs.

Training Information

Upon acquiring Trainee, new staff members will automatically join the main game from our Application Center where they will undergo a 5 minute mandatory automated training session which shows them how to prepare orders, how to deliver orders successfully, where ingredients are allocated, how to navigate throughout the restaurant followed by a quick tutorial to ensure they are ready to start serving our valued customers!

Upon acquiring Staff Intern, new management team members will undergo our management development program as part of their internship in which they will take tests and undergo new training to assess their competence for the role. This is a 4 week program which follows either being reassigned to Kitchen Leader or promoted to Supervisor.

Support Information
  • If you are looking to report an in-game incident, you can approach an active Supervisor+ to address any questions or complaints.

  • If you are looking to report a Discord incident, you can approach any online member of our Executive Team to address your concerns or complaints.

  • If you are looking to appeal any moderation action, this must be done by completing our Appeal Form which is reviewed daily by our Public Relations Team. This can be utilized for both in-game and server bans - please allow up to 24 hours for a response as we take the safety of our community with the utmost severity which requires an investigation into the initial complaint.

Affiliate Information

We are actively looking to form new partnerships with groups within our industry which hold our values and visions! Please fill out our Affiliate Application and one of our Public Relations Team members will reach out within the next 24 hours with a decision! (Requirements are on the form)

Thank you for taking time to read our Handbook! :heart:
Mokhai 2024 :surfing_man: